Elegant Evaluating

It’s the beginning of a new year and I don’t make new year resolutions but I do begin to evaluate for the upcoming year. I make mental goals and ask myself questions….

photo credit Ilyas Bolato 

1) How is my health? Am I exercising enough? Have I been consistent? 

2)  How are my eating habits? Am I getting enough sleep? Do I drink enough water?

3) Am I happy with my wardrobe? 

4) Where am I with my faith? 

5) Do I need to change my career goals? 

photo credit Alyssa Hurley 
6) How is my daughter doing? Does she have what she needs? Do I pay attention to her enough? Is she afraid to tell me things?

photo credit Pinterest 

And honestly, I can go on and on. Here is the thing. I am constantly evaluating. Not just at the beginning of the year but on a monthly basis. I am constantly asking myself questions. 

But honestly doing this keeps me honest with myself. I recently went on a “purging spree”. I got rid of a lot of clothes in my closet that just wasn’t fitting well. I start saying to myself, ” Are you really going to wear that. Let’s just be honest here”. With me having that conversation with myself I was able to let go of some of the pieces that needed to go. I will donate most of it to Goodwill, some will go to Poshmark and I did take a few pieces to my seamstress Mrs. Sunny. There were 3 dresses that I just LOVED but the top part was too loose. So I asked her to turn those pieces into skirts. I pick them up later this week. Fingers crossed!
photo credit Mrs. Shockley 

I also began to talk with myself about “bogus shopping“! It’s a quote that I came up with when I began to purge some of the clothes, shoes and purses that I kept. Some of the items that I purchased were apart of bogus shopping. I purchased it because it was on sale, or I felt like I “needed” to buy something because I hadn’t made a purchase in a while (maybe like a week), just stupid spending. That could have been a lot of money that I could have saved. Even today I was at HomeGoods looking at all of the Christmas ornaments on sale. I began to say to myself, don’t start “bogus shopping“! Buy only what you love, and I did. I am very happy with my purchases. 

photo credit Mrs. Shockley 

Then last week I did a “home purge”. There were a lot of things taking up space in closets, pantries, and cabinets. It was a lot of home decor that I didn’t need. So I bagged all of it up and will donate it this week. I now have a lot more room in my cabinets. I only want the items that I use. I will also begin an “office purge” this week. I need to get rid of the items in my office too.

I have also been thinking about making appointments and seeing specialists this year. I have made an appointment with my doctor to review my cholesterol and other levels. I am also having issues with my legs. I had my daughter take a photo of the back of my leg and I have a few varicose veins. Oh no! So I made an appointment about that. I heard that natural witch hazel could help with those. So I purchased a bottle and I have been seeing results! Fingers crossed!

I have also made this a year to have my first professional facial. I have never had one, shocking I know. So that is on my list too! I look forward to making some changes and to see where some of my new decisions will take me. I hope that this inspires you too!

8 replies
  1. Gloria
    Gloria says:

    Hello Mrs Shockley,
    I am trying to begin my 'purge' also. Last year I got rid of 5 boxes of 'stuff' from the kitchen. I do not miss any of it, and in fact, now I do not even remember what it was. I need to do the rest of the house. Like you, I now want only things that I love.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Gloria,
      You got rid of 5 boxes worth of items? WOW! Talk about a purge that is huge! Doing a house purge is never fun but I was so happy dropping off all that stuff at the Goodwill yesterday. I feel so good now!

  2. June
    June says:

    Hi Mrs Shockley. I go through a similar process on a regular basis. I find it helps to keep my stress and anxiety levels under control. Also i am a big list makerand love the satisfaction of ticking tasks off the list. June

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi June!
      Oh my gosh…. I love checking off boxes too! I thought that I was a weirdo for loving that but it is good to hear that I am not alone. I create two checklist everyday. One before I leave the office and one for home.

  3. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hello Mrs. Shockley,
    Once again you have inspired me. I never really thought about elegant evaluating and asking myself questions, such as you do. I read this post yesterday (I check every Mon,Wed,Fri for new posts) and immediately started to evaluate a few areas of my life. And I also purged 2 large bags of "stuff" yesterday. Thank you so much for writing this blog. Oh my goodness my life has changed because of you!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hey Mya,
      Awww, thank you for the lovely comment. My husband read this and said, "this is great, see you are making a difference". So thank you for this. You have no idea how this makes me feel. It really clings to my heart. Thank you!

  4. lady jicky
    lady jicky says:

    This year I am not going to buy anything for the sake of just "buying something" and now I have a word for it …. Bogus Shopping!! Thank you … I will be using that in my head when I am in the shops LOL

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Lol! Absolutely! I am telling you, I was in Homegoods and the voice in my head said, "now don't you start that bogus shopping"! Once I heard that word the desire to buy that item left me. Seriously, it did.

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