Chic Assignments ~ March

So we are already into the middle of March and these months are just flying by. My favorite author Jennifer L. Scott has already given us our chic assignments for March. I shared a few weeks ago my February chic assignments and the status of where I am on them. This is such an enjoyable activity. I have really enjoyed this.

Now let’s get into March’s assignments.

Jennifer’s first assignment is to listen to Chopin Nocturne and I have. What a wonderful piece! I am still working on practicing my piece from Bach. It will be a process. Stay tuned!

The next assignment is to make your laundry more routine and more pleasurable!  It’s funny because I was already working on that. I went to the Container Store to try to find some organizational bins for my laundry room and I found these and these and they worked out great!

So many wonderful options….
I picked out the grey ones and I also added this beautiful picture in my laundry room. I found this in South Carolina about 5 years ago! It was in a Goodwill store. Love it hanging in my laundry room. 
Her third assignment was to study the works of Claude Monet. 
I was fortunate enough to see his work in person at the National Gallery of Art in Washington last year. See my blog post here and here about that. I got to visit twice!
And her last assignment was to prepare your wardrobe for seasonal transition. 
I am already working on that. I am looking for as many floral wardrobe pieces that I can find. I don’t have a ten-item wardrobe but I do get rid of items very quickly if they are not serving me well. I found this gorgeous blue and white dress at New York and Company. It is lovely and I can not wait to wear it this spring and summer. I have also ordered three new dresses from Old Navy and a new leopard maxi from New York and Company. I also shared some of my favorite spring finds from Ann Taylor. You may view that post here if you wish. 
I am looking forward to spring and I am excited to continue this series with Jennifer. Please share your March chic assignments below. I am very curious about you guys! Thanks for reading!!!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Good Morning Mrs. Shockley,

    You are right on target with the 'March assignment'. I have a framed Monet in my laundry room, too. I matched the wall paint and made the room look so elegant.

    You look so nice in the blue and white dress. Very flattering. I usually add one or two pieces each season. This year I added a pair of white ballet flats and a white top handle handbag. I never had white shoes/bag before and I am amazed at how many summer things they will work with. I also went through my summer things and took a few to my alterations lady to update them, so I can continue to wear them. I wish the Chopin came in a CD, but that piece is bookmarked for a moment of serenity, when needed.

    It's fun to have assignments that are enjoyable and help move us forward to do things that need to be done.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Kathleen,
      You have framed artwork in your laundry room too? How fabulous! Thank you for the compliment on the dress. I was not sure how it would look but I love it. I am with you on the white accessories. It has been so long since I have worn white shoes or had a white bag. I was recently looking for a white tote for the summer. We will see how that goes. And you are right it is very nice having these wonderful things to do with so much darkness going on around us.

  2. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,
    I too am enjoying the Chic Assignments. I have not yet decided what I will do with my laundry area-I better get to work because the month is almost over, but I have some ideas for organizing. I purchased the Lands End seafoam floral dress that Jennifer mentions and I have received it already. It's such a wonderful dress. I already think it will be a favorite. I am also enjoying the Chopin Nocturne peice as well. For the reading. I actually decided to take her new E-course and she even mentioned my testimony on her vlog. I listened more than watched- It was kind of like an audio book experience for me. This has nothing to do with the Chic assignments,but I am surely hopeful that you get to see the Cherry Blossoms in D.C.this year. You inspired me last year to see them! Thank you for following along with Jennifer's Chic assignments and sharing how you are doing!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hey Mya,
      I knew that was you! As soon as Jennifer said your name I knew it was you! How wonderful! It is so nice to hear our names and see that we are building this wonderful little community. I hope in the near future that we can all meet one another. That was be great! I do hope that you like those dresses. They look great on Jennifer! And lastly, I hope that we get to see the cherry blossoms too! They are right on track to bloom while we are there. It will be such a magical moment for me if I can see them. Thanks again Mya!

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