A Little Tour…

Good Morning Monday, starting the week again is never fun. But here we are….. I wanted to start this week’s blogs with the last of my D.C. trip from last month. I did not take as many pictures on this trip. I wanted to walk around and “take” everything in. I hate being on tours or on vacations and you are behind your camera the whole time. It just drives me nuts! And also since this was our third time going I have seen most of everything that I wanted to see. So it was okay to take fewer pictures this time. 
The photo above is in the U.S. Capitol. This building is just so beautiful. I was trying to capture the peach color paint on the walls but this photo does not do it justice. 

This room is the original Senate room. It still has a majestic feel to it. 

Also apart of the original Senate rooms.

Love all of the details in the ceilings. 
You see majestic….

A little fun fact about this chandelier. The original price when this was being built was $1,500. They just had this insured for $4.2 million! WOW!
Once we finished the Capitol tour (we scheduled a private tour), our guide wanted to take us to the Speaker’s Balcony. I was so excited to see this. I used to want to be President (I still kind of do) so having this opportunity was just a dream. 

My family and I enjoyed it!
After that, we went and took another look at the Library of Congress and I was so glad that I was able to just walk around and learn a few facts about this glorious building. 

We took a walk around the National Mall and I found this wonderful monument of Eleanor Roosevelt. This quote has wonderful truth to it, especially now… “The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation. It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world”.  

Well said! 

After all of the tours, we had dinner at some wonderful restaurants. This was my dish at Clyde’s in Georgetown. Some of you may have seen this on my Instagram. It was so delicious we went back a second time! This was the roast half chicken dinner with lyonnaise potatoes, madeira mushrooms, and swiss chard. Outstanding! 
Then we went to a restaurant called Due South This was their cornbread with rosemary butter. Oh mercy! So good!

I ended up ordering the fennel spiced salmon with beluga lentils, sauteed kale, roasted onions, heirloom tomato and spicy creole sauce. Another fantastic meal! So tasty!
This turned out to be a delightful work trip. I was able to get everything accomplished and still had a superb time with my family. The weather was perfect and so were those cherry blossoms. I thanked the Lord greatly for this trip. It turned out to be a dream. As always thank you for reading and enjoy your day!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Crista
    Crista says:

    With your love of Washington D.C. and your love of beautiful brooches, I wonder if you have had the opportunity to purchase any pieces by Ann Hand? I haven't seen any of her jewelry in person, but I love to peruse her beautiful website.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Crista,
      I just wrote about Ann Hand a few months ago! I took a look at her website too. Beautiful pieces and the location looks elegant also. I wanted to stop by but I could not get away early enough. Maybe I will be fortunate to go again in the near future. Thanks for stopping by!

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