Thinking about Weddings

I was recently reading some of my first year’s blog posts. I remember my first post about weddings. I was so inspired at that moment. I had just started my new Pinterest board and was getting the swing of social media. 

Do you ever look back on some of the pins that you posted to your own boards? Do you see a change in how your taste in clothes and decor may have evolved? I know for me my taste in things is changing but I still love weddings!

In 2016, I wrote about Renewing Our Vows and we still want to. Our 20 year anniversary is about 4 years away so we will see. I was recently pinning some new photos to my wedding board and wanted to share a few that are just so magical and elegant. I thought this would be a wonderful way to start a Friday morning. Looking at wedding dresses….

photo credit Jonathan Borba 

I really love how delicate and exquisite this is? It’s stunning!
I don’t know why I love this dress but I do. I love the white and blush together and how the shoulders are showing. I don’t mind that at all. I could definitely see myself wearing this with my hair down and lots of curls. 
I also love this. I believe you could wear this again. It’s simple yet elegant. 
Another dress you could wear again. I don’t know why I am drawn to these simple dresses. I guess it could be a sign of age? Not sure but I want much more feminine and delicate clothing. 
Love the details in the sleeves and the layers and layers of tulle. 

Other photos that I have been pinning are ceremony decorations and details. 
I would love to have a ceremony like this and renew our vows in dress one or two. 
Like a dream….

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. Oh, fingers crossed you guys! I posted my new dining room table and hosts chairs last week. They are suppose to deliver my four Queen Anne chairs, a new host chair (the zipper is broken), and my daughter’s new bed on Tuesday. I hope everything comes. It’s been a long wait and we have not been able to use our new table. Then on June 22nd, my new dresser will arrive I am looking forward to that new piece also. I may not post anything on the blog on Monday but hope to have a full blog post on Wednesday with my new complete dining room set. 

We will see…

(photos via Pinterest)
If you wish to follow my Pinterest wedding board you may do so here.

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Happy Friday Mrs Shockley,
    I can't wait to ser all the new peices in your home. I adore your style and certainly use your posts as ideas/inspiration. You have helped me to see that it's okay to be me-with dress and home decor. I often wonder how on earth you have time to blog three times a week, work,care for your family,yourself and the home. Though I am glad that you are giving yourself off from Monday. Have a fantastic weekend. I will patienty wait for the Wednesday blog:)

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Mya and Happy Friday to you too!
      Thank you for stopping by as always! I am happy to see that you are finding inspiration from the blog. It is hard embracing one's femininity. Being a woman is a wonderful thing and people will always try to stop you. It helps me to know that people are finding inspiration and courage from the blog. That helps me to feel complete.

      I was just thinking this morning about how I do this. It's hard trying to find inspiration and to be consistent. But it's not work when you enjoy it and I do.

      Fingers crossed on my furniture! I hope it arrives and in one piece. I might have a post on Monday but we will see! Thanks again Mya!

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