Things I Love: Climbing Roses

It is Friday and the month of August is winding down. I can’t believe it! Goodness, gracious! Next week will be time to share my monthly favorites already. I have a few to share and really enjoyed this month’s items. 

I am so excited you guys. You want to know why? It’s because this weekend’s low is going to be in the ’50s! Oh yeah! My husband has a fit when I get excited about 50-degree weather. I love my crisp morning air walks to my office. It is the best thing ever to me. I so love wearing my skirts, still being bare-legged and wearing one of my gorgeous pink blush scarfs. It is so chic!

Sighing…. it is just bliss to me. So today I wanted to share a little favorite of mine. Climbing roses…. aren’t they just like heaven?

I have always wanted climbing roses on my home but my husband gives me all of these excuses as to why they are bad for the house. I don’t even remember what the excuses were. Maybe it’s because I ignore him when he tries to ruin my beauty ideas. 

Wouldn’t you love to have something like this embracing your home? I know I would. The vines, the scent….. it’s just glorious.

I have always wanted a backyard gazebo or some sort of sunroom in my backyard. I would even settle for having climbing roses on my garage. I just want them! 

Well as always thanks for reading and I hope that you enjoy your weekend. I hope these 50-degree lows stick around for a few days. 


5 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Happy Friday! I also have wanted climbing Rose's. And my husband says the same- they will get into the siding and cause issues. I have decided then to plant Roses around my home. Have you considered a rose garden?

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Mya!
      I have considered a rose garden. I really want one in the back but I have two boxers that pee everywhere! I was just talking with my husband about having a landscaper come out and help us come up with a plan. We'll see.

  2. LadyJicky
    LadyJicky says:

    Climbing roses ! I have had them and they are a lot of work…. more than the bush ones. They do not do damage to the house — that is the wisteria's !!! OMG pretty but they get away more than roses.
    I have only one climber left ( the old fashioned Lamarque rose which is white and a pale yellow centre ) and its on a pergola that the possums do not reach and eat the flowers!!!
    I feel its better to grow the bush roses … easier to prune and spray and the possums here in Australia do not like to walk on the ground to get to the yummy flowers – safer to climb ! lol
    Our possums are different to yours in the US.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello LadyJicky,
      I didn't realize that possums love roses! Oh my… that's no fun. I have a friend who grew wisteria last year and she complained about it constantly. I still want to give them a chance. Maybe in a few years my husband and I can give them a try. But thank you so much for the information. You are the first person that I have met that has grown them. Thank you!

  3. LadyJicky
    LadyJicky says:

    If you have that desire to grow them …. then you must!!!
    We only live once and you may have better luck than me 🙂

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