Floral Wall Decals

Hello and Good Morning!

Thank you to everyone who reached out and gave wonderful comments about my bag. I really appreciate it! I hope you guys enjoyed the Youtube video as well. 

Before I jump into today’s post I just wanted to share how some porn people are back on my blog again! Geez… I got some new followers on Bloglovin and they all have these Russian porn sites connected to their names. Some guy named Jake, some person name Gion, and some person name Claudia. All have some porn connection. Yes, I am calling you out. Get off my page! I don’t want your support. Go away!!! Now back to my regular program. 

Today I wanted to share a small recent project that my husband and I attempted to do. A few weekends ago we took a visit to Ikea which most of you know I am not a huge fan of. My step-son had never been and we wanted to take him for a visit. 

I looked at a few things and I must say that I do like a lot of their kitchen setups and huge islands. I wrote about some of my favorite things here if you wish to read it. 

Ikea is a great place for college students or for couples or individuals who are just starting out. I think that their kitchen basic utensils are wonderfully priced and have great quality. 

When we were there last week we decided to just look around. I saw a few things but then I found these wall decals and thought, “this might be a good way for me to get wallpaper”!

These peony decorative stickers looked so great at the store. I thought about how I would love to have them at home. 

So we purchased about three and brought them home and began to piece them together. You have to come up with your own combination. Each peony is in pieces but it gives you the opportunity to create the size and variation that you want. 

They were bigger than expected. 

And the verdict is…..no. Here is the thing. I don’t think that they are ugly. They are quite lovely but it’s not the look that I am going for. I really want some wallpaper and I really want chinoiserie. 

These for some reason to me just look really cheap in this area and I think that they would be great in a college dorm room and a girl’s bedroom at home. That’s just my opinion. 

If you are interested in these I provided the link above. Again, Ikea is a great place for affordable home decor but not if you love antiques. 

Thanks for reading!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)