Vintage Shopping and New Purchase

Good Friday Morning Everyone,

These weekends sure do come fast and leave quickly. I can’t believe it’s the middle of September…. already!

We had a hot week this week. It was in the ’90s. No fun, but I know some people want to hold on to summer for as long as they can. Today’s post will mimic my YouTube video from last weekend. 

I am not sure if any of you got to watch my video but I found some wonderful items at our local consignment store. Shopping consignment is always a great way to find unique pieces at great prices.  So let’s dive right into my new finds…

The first items that I picked up at the Toggery were these vintage pairs of clip-on earrings, vintage cocktail ring, tear-drop earrings, and red bangle bracelet. I have worn all of these this week and they all looked great!

Next was this adorable vintage teacup. I loved the colors, designs and thought it would look incredibly chic on my dresser. I only paid .90 for it. How could I refuse? 
And one of the last things that I picked up was this beautiful leaf embellished vase. It was only $28 but I forgot to take a photo of it. Sorry!
To finish off my shopping weekend, my family and I went to our Fashion Mall to look around. I picked up these beautiful blue and white ginger jar Christmas ornaments at Williams Sonoma.  They were only $4 each! And I had no idea that I would find the following…
I spotted these beautiful Gucci Rajah totes! Oh heavens…

Now, these totes were inspired by fashion entrepreneur Hattie Carnegie. I “googled” her and was completely taken by her background. 

My husband was partial to this one. It’s beautiful but it just didn’t sing to me. 

They also had jewelry. These pieces were also inspired by Hattie’s vintage jewelry. 
I made a purchase!

And here it is! This is the Gucci Tweed Rajah tote and I do adore it. I don’t want to be one of those people that acts like they purchase luxury bags all the time. I put a lot of thought into my major purchases and always discuss them with my husband. He was there when I purchased this so I got a nod from him. 

I really enjoy sharing beautiful things and don’t want people to think that I have this glamorous life. Things happen but I am a woman who wants to live well (within our means) and enjoy it! My video is below if you wish to watch it. Enjoy your weekend!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,

    Congratulations on your first luxury handbag purchase. It is just beautiful.

    My first luxury handbag purchase was also a Gucci. They are so well made.

    Your choice is excellent. That handbag will accent so many basics in your wardrobe and you can add red here and there (your new bracelet) to keep the colorway. Red gloves?

    Such a special day….I remember it well. I'm glad your husband was there with you to make it all the more memorable. I'll look forward to you showing how you style the bag.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Kathleen!
      I was just thinking about you and wondering where you were. Thanks for commenting! Your first bag was a Gucci? How fabulous! What year is yours? I would love to know the year. I am always curious as to how long people keep their bags.
      And I agree with you. I think my bag will go with many things. I love the idea about red gloves. I already went and purchased a red scarf. I already wore the red bracelet with it. It looked so chic.

      I will probably carry it everyday for a while. I have already received a lot of comments on it and really enjoy carry it. Thank you so much for stopping by!

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