One Chore at a Time…

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope all is well with everyone. I just wanted to say thank you to all of my new readers! For those of you who don’t know I was featured on author Jennifer L. Scott’s A Homemaker’s Presentation series. I was absolutely shocked that she asked me to be in it but also very humbled. 

It was great being featured in her video. Because of this I have obtained more followers so I just wanted to say HELLO to everyone and thank you for following my blog!

In today’s blog post I wanted to talk about my recent struggle with chores! Yes CHORES! Now I have NEVER had an issue with housework and I mean NEVER! But for the last four months it has been a struggle and I finally found out why.

Since I moved out of my mother’s house in 2002, I have always scheduled my housework for Saturday and half of Sunday. I have kept the same cleaning schedule for 17 years! Well in the last few months I have found myself not wanting to do any housework or limited housework on my Saturdays. I want a free weekend! 

I was beginning to feel guilty because I didn’t want to do chores and it bothered me quite a bit. I love my home and love keeping it up so I thought, “why in the world do I feel like this”. Now I am not trying to sound all spiritual but I prayed about it and then it came to me that I needed to switch up my schedule. 

I have had the same schedule for WAY to long and needed a change. So now, I have planned one chore a day each day and it has made it much easier on the weekends. So I now do certain chores throughout the week that I would never do. I have also added my daughter to it to teach her the home-keeping ways. 

To give everyone an example I now do loads of laundry. Like this past Tuesday, I washed my curtains. 

The next day, I washed my decorative pillows for our bed. Nice!

The following day I washed more items around the home. 

So now when Saturday comes along I no longer have a list of things to do maybe just 3 or 4. I can hear the Hallelujah chorus!

I can now sit down and watch a Hallmark movie, have a cup of tea or get some inspiration for the blog!

I am sharing this because I think it happens to the best of us. You get stuck in these routines and they almost become like jobs and then it dawns on you that you don’t have to keep these militant routines. 

Days should be enjoyed as well as your home. With my step-sons gone and our daughter getting older I think that our house will become less messy anyway. So if you need to change your cleaning schedule, then change it! Give yourself permission. Lord knows I had to give myself the “okay” to do this. 

Brighter weekends ahead!

Thanks for reading!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

6 replies
  1. Cari
    Cari says:

    Hello Mrs Shockley! I am one of your new followers from the Daily Connoisseur's video and am so happy to have found you. Your content is lovely and your style is beautiful. I especially enjoy your book recommendations and discussions! Keep up the inspiring work.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Cari!
      Thank you for joining us here on the blog! I, like Jennifer, love elegant and beautiful living so I hope that you enjoy my content here. I will try to keep up the inspiring work. We all need it!

  2. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs.Shockley,
    I was hoping that more women would find their way to A Home for Elegance. I like to re-read so many of your posts for reminders. I discovered Fly Lady Kat via Jennifer and have mostly been following her recommendations for cleaning, for working people. I regretted moving to our new home for an entire year because I was overwhelmed with cleaning it. Its triple the size of the townhome we moved from. Her system is similar to your current system. Clean a bit each day. Works wonders and my family and friends joke that my house is eat off the floor clean. Have a fantastic weekend!- Mya

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hey Mya,
      Thank you for the support! I really do appreciate it! You re-read my posts? Oh my goodness Mya, thank you! Lol! I have had those moments after moving too. I think to myself, oh goodness, what have I done? I now have more work! But cleaning a little bit every day is helping keep the stress down and I am really enjoying my weekends now. You have a great weekend too my friend!

  3. Aliyah
    Aliyah says:

    Hello Mrs. Shockley. I certainly can relate to this post. I seem to have a lot of laundry no matter Thanks for the inspiration.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Aliyah,
      Lol! Laundry seems to be one of the number one challenges for a lot of women. You are not alone. You are most welcome for the inspiration!

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