Junk and More Junk

Good Morning Everyone,


For the last few days, I have been trying to figure out where all these horrible websites have been coming from on my blog. 

Well, it turns out that there are a lot of us that get hit with these unwanted visitors. They are called “spam referrals”. Great… something else I have to guard myself against. 

Since Blogger is such a huge platform, it is a perfect place to send spam to people like me. I am still talking with individuals at work about what I can do. 

For right now, I will encourage you all to NOT visit these sites. They may take information from your phone and who knows what else. 

So for right now, I am going to enjoy these beautiful photos that I found on Pinterest, get ready to start wrapping presents this weekend and enjoy Christmas with my family. 

Oh and I forgot to mention this. My daughter and I could not get tickets to our normal Nutcracker show this year! They only had it for 3 days! Hamilton is here and booked the theatre for the entire month of December. Luckily, I received an email from the Indianapolis Ballet letting me know that they were having one more show this past weekend. 

It was only going to be part 2 of the Nutcracker but I could not resist! This show was at Newfields and was so much cheaper! Lauren and I loved the show and there was hardly anyone there!

What a dream!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and remember to stay away from the spam! I wish these people would use their talents to solve world problems! Geez!

(photos via Pinterest)

6 replies
  1. Captain
    Captain says:

    I have the same issue with this kinky bot. Some months ago I used the script from this site (http://freehostedscripts.net/blockip/) to block other specific IPs, which behaved like the actual bot, but this time it did not work.
    I am still looking for a simple solution, if I will find something, I will inform you.

    By the way, you have some nice pictures in your blog 🙂 Enjoy the weekend.

  2. sadie c
    sadie c says:

    I have not visited you for a while, so been having a glorious catch up. You have such exquisite taste, I love seeing all the things you buy.
    Sorry you've had icky traffic to your site. I've noticed a few odd things on my stats lately, it's annoying but not sure what can be done.

    enjoy you Christmas wrapping! x

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Sadie!
      Thank you for the compliment. I try my best. We all are having trouble with spam. It is so frustrating. I hope you have beautiful things planned for your holidays. Thank you for stopping by!

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