Merry Christmas Gifts

Good Morning Everyone and Merry Christmas!

I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season with your families. I have been so busy the past few days but I wanted to take the time to wish all of my blog readers a very Merry Christmas and a big thank you!

Thank you for following my blog and for keeping in touch with me for all these years. Can you believe that I started this blog in 2014? I can’t! I am closing in on 1,000 posts! Wow…

This blog has opened a lot of doors for me. For one it has allowed me to find wonderful and beautiful friends. Some of my best friends have been found through blogging. I love it, thank you.

In today’s post, I wanted to share a few of my Christmas purchases for family. The photo above is of two scarfs that I picked up at H&M. They are for my husband’s uncles. 

This is a jeweled sweater that I picked up last year (December 2018) during H&M’s after Christmas sales. I purchased this for my father-in-law’s wife. After Christmas is the perfect time to purchase Christmas gifts for the following year. I only paid $10 for this!

I keep all of my Christmas gifts in a large tub in my guest bedroom. I just continue to shop throughout the year so it’s not a mad dash at the end to purchase gifts.

I love these beautiful gift tags that I found at T.J. Maxx.
I found this beautiful pink blush outfit with matching tights at T.J. Maxx for my husband’s cousin. She just had a baby last year. I thought the plush ballerina unicorn would be a nice touch. I only paid $12 for the outfit and only $8 for the unicorn. 

My husband’s grandmother loves soft large blankets. She’s almost 90 now and I wanted to keep that going. I found this last year for only $12. I hope she loves it!

Dinnerware can be a wonderful gift so I could not pass up these beautiful, large poinsettia plates from T.J. Maxx. I purchased them last year in December for only $4 each! I am giving them to my husband’s aunt. She is the first lady at her church. I figured that she might be able to use them there. 

My mother in law is always hard to buy for but this year we found this North Face vest for only $50 and this Michael Kors wallet for only $20! My mother in law is a bit of a fashionista. She pays attention to the trends and has very good taste.
I had to wrap her gift in my blue and white wrapping paper.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and thank you again for taking this journey with me. 

Merry Christmas!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Aliyah
    Aliyah says:

    Hello Mrs.Shockley. I hope you and your family are well. Do you still sell items on poshmark by chance? Thank you kindly.😀

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Aliyah,
      I do still sell on Poshmark but I currently do not have any listings. I may have some at the beginning of the new year. Thank you for asking!

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