A Favorite has Returned….

A Glorious Day….

Good Morning Everyone! I don’t know if many of you remember this scent from the early 2000’s but I do. I wore this scent in 2002 until they discontinued it in 2009 or maybe even earlier. 

I LOVE Night Blooming Jasmine from Bath & Body Works. I have been emailing that company for years requesting that they bring this back. I was so surprised when I received my semi-annual postcard in the mail that it listed it on the card!

I could not believe it and hopped on the site immediately. Of course it was not available until the day of the sale but I wanted to see it. Now it has sold out already! I am not surprised. I will be emailing and asking if they will be bringing it back permanently. 

Now I know this looks bad but I could not resist it. I got about 20 bottles from two different stores. At $3.95 each how could I refuse?

I have stored them in my closet cabinet and will be enjoying them all year. I have had numerous co-workers and family stop me about this scent. It’s light and beautiful. 

It’s the simple things in life that make it worthwhile. Even having a special scent return is a wonderful event for me. I hope that you all go and check out the scent if it is available in your local store. You may like it you may not but to each his own. 

Enjoy your day!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. Aliyah
    Aliyah says:

    Hello Mrs.Shockley. I hope you are having a great week. I am not familiar with this scent but I do love the smell of jasmine flowers. I also liked the now discontinued pear glaze scent lotion at Victoria Secret.😁

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Aliyah,
      I have never heard of the pearl glaze scent at Victoria Secret. I know when I was in college I loved their Love Spell scent. It was so good!

  2. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,
    Thank you for another recommendation. Since BBW is still having their sale, this was a good excuse for me to check out this scent. You are so right! Its amazing. And guess what, there were only 3 of the body cream and 2 shower gels. The associate told me they didn't last here either-they flew off the shelf and I see why. This is just great I found it today and I've already started wearing it and my husband paid me a compliment to this scent! Thank you!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Mya,
      I am so glad that you went to check it out! Your husband likes it? Well that's all that matters. When you spouse loves the way you smell that is everything. Thank you for letting me know Mya. This is awesome!

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