An Elegant Welcome

Hello Friday,

We are still adjusting to the time change. I know some of you are too. In today’s post, I wanted to know if any of you have a three-tier cake tray? I just realized that I don’t own one. 

I saw these beauties on Etsy and figured I think I would like to have one of those.

Aren’t these gorgeous? I will be searching eBay and Etsy for the next few days to find one that is perfect for my needs and our home life. 

Whenever we have guests, I always put out some sort of food or drinks. It makes everyone feel welcomed and appreciated. I believe it helps people to know that you were thinking of them. 

I know that if I walked in and saw a beautiful stand like this I would feel welcomed and it would make me smile. Receiving guests is very important in this age of technology. Receiving them well. 

Please let me know in the comments section below if you have a cake stand? I would love to know if you use it. Have a great weekend everyone!

(photos via Pinterest)

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hello Mrs. Shockley,
    Ohhh I love those blue and white tiered stands. Oh my goodness they are beautiful. One would go well with all your blue and white. Please do share when you get one. I don't have one so pretty like those. We have a 3 tier stand that's all clear glass. I use it for fruit, cookies, and I've used it for muffins when we have guests. I especially use it when we have overnight guests. Its really nice for baked breakfast foods. I have one for my daughter's tea set. Its really small and pink with little cupcakes. I pull it out for them to have a tea party-sometimes just the 2 of them or with a friend! It's so cute. Hmmm..I have been thinking about what I want for Mother's day. You've got me thinking about one for my wish list!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      I love these stand too! I plan on using mine for the same reasons you do. For fruit, cookies, etc. I think that one of these for Mother's Day would be lovely. I am trying not to buy a second one!

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