A Little Antiquing….

Gosh, it’s Friday already. This week went by really fast. Today I have to go into the office for a bit and then I have a hair appointment with my daughter. I am just getting a trim. I haven’t had one since January of this year so I am due. 

I really don’t have anything planned this weekend. With Covid still lurking around, I am still a little nervous about going places. I have been on the Tubi app on my t.v. trying to find “good” movies to watch. It’s been really hard but I have been watching a lot of movies from the ’80s and early ’90s. 

I posted on my Instagram page last weekend the beautiful treasures that I picked up at a local antique store. I only paid about $22 for everything. I love antiquing. It gives me such peace and allows me to step back in time. 

I managed to find this beautiful picture of a flower, love the gold frame, this beautiful bust, and this gold cup which I didn’t realize at the time that it had someone’s name on it. 

It says “Pete” but it is so faint no one will notice it. I plan on using the cup as a holder for pens on my desk and the picture will go in our bathroom. 

The beautiful bust has found her way into my office. 

She looks quite comfy and chic on my table with family photos. I love adding pearls to a bust. I think it’s so fun and unexpected. Plus who doesn’t look good in pearls? 

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and if you want to let me know what your plans are below. I have been wanting to take a picnic for months now. Has anyone done that yet?
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,
    No picnics here as of yet. I haven't been intentional about planning one, although my family and I enjoy them immensely. I will have to do that!

    My family and I are heading for vacation to Historic Colonial Williamsburg this weekend. My children are aware that this getaway will be very different from any other we've had, with wearing a mask and social distancing. Thankfully, we have a condo rented so we won't need to visit the restaurants and can eat in our own place. It will be nice to get away from all of the stress. My husband and I are both first responders and the last couple of months have been a nightmare, especially for my husband. He is in law enforcement so it has been exceptionally crazy!
    Your antique finds are lovely. I've always wanted a bust. So pretty with pearls.
    Have a wonderful week!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      Your vacation plans sound wonderful. It's always nice to rent a condo. I think buying groceries is a better route. Oh your husband is in law enforcement? I sure hope the Lord works out things for them. When I hear about people wanting to de-fund the police and then ask for police presence while they are protesting is just ridiculous!
      I hope you enjoy your vacation!

  2. Arabella Baldwin
    Arabella Baldwin says:

    I love the bust and adding the pearl necklace is a lovely touch!

    No picnics in California yet – some of the parks and walking trails are open, but their restrooms are not (!) and if too many people are in a park, it gets closed down. 🙁

    But for good movies, have you seen Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck? It is an oldie but goodie (1953), and I think is available on both tubi and netflix. Audrey Hepburn is absolutely charming – she moves between formal elegance and casual chic, and Gregory Peck is young and handsome. One of my favorites!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Arabella,
      I love bust too and adding pearls is so much fun! You live in California? How nice.
      I love Roman Holiday. I have seen it over and over. Lately I have been watching Jane Eyre on Tubi. I have enjoyed it very much! Thanks for reading!

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