Rose ~ Soft Lip Cream

Good Morning,

I hope everyone had a great holiday. We kept things simple. We grilled some steaks, corn, hotdogs, and hamburgers. I cut up a watermelon, made baked beans, chips and we had ice cream. A very simple day. It was so hot this weekend and we are not expected to get any rain for days now. 

I hate the summer but I try to make the most of it. I also went through my house and took note of things that need to be done. I went through my closet again and donated lots of clothes to the Goodwill. 

It’s always nice to have an orderly closet. I also made a few purchases this week which I plan on sharing soon. The first is this lovely rose lip cream from Fresh.

I have been “stalking” this on Instagram for quite some time now. It just looked so beautiful and I love anything to do with roses. 

I ordered my lip cream from Instagram and got free shipping!
It comes in a beautiful blush container and it is quite a large size! I was so pleased when I opened the box. 

It is a wonderful cream and I have been wearing it for a week. I love it! The scent is very light so you won’t be overwhelmed with roses. 

The Fresh Company always has great products and I have never been disappointed by one. I hope you can grab a container to try. It is quite elegant. 


(photos via Mrs. Shockley)