Evening Reading: A New Book


Good Morning!

Whew has it been a week for me! I am still working on micro-managing my daughter and it has been tough. I have been practically doing Algebra with her. A few days ago we had a Google meet with her teacher that lasted about 3 hours! I have never done Math that long a day in my life! But I love my kid and want her to succeed.

As you can see from the photo above my book finally arrived! It took longer than a week to get here but alas it’s finally here. I have started to read it and it is wonderful. I still can’t believe that Alexandra wrote this back in the 80’s. 

photo credit Melnychuk Nataliya 

Each week I would like to share little tidbits from the book. I have only read a few pages and I found so many wonderful “nuggets” that I had to share them. The first thing that Alexandra discussed was rituals. I talked about this on the blog a few times ( see here and here). She said, ” Instead of rushing through our lives to get somewhere- instead of saving up real living for later- I think it’s important to remember that each single day is all we have. Single days experienced fully add up to a lifetime lived deeply and well”. 

I like that…. lived deeply and well… 

photo credit Anthropologie

She went on and talked about rituals and making every day lovely. But I have to share one small story that she discussed. She talked about her friend who has made bill paying into a ritual. She said, “She puts Brahms on her stereo, she placed an arrangement of flowers on her desk, she dresses in a fresh blouse and skirt so she is actually ready to mail her bills (keep in mind no online bill-paying) as soon as she’s finished. She has elevated a necessary task- bill paying- into a ritual through the details surrounding how she does it”. 

I love that small story and I am sure that there are many in this book. I also noticed that at the end of each chapter she has a section called ” Grace Notes”. I am sure that I will be sharing those. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the everyday! 

4 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    I was hoping you would blog about this book. I ordered it too,and I'm on the 1st chapter on Rituals. Oh it is a wonderful reminder to make the mundane beautiful. Very inspiring, easy to read material.

    Have a great weekend, Mrs. Shockley!


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      I am enjoying the book so far. I hope you are too! It is so nice to read in the evenings. It's like a mini escape. I hope you had a great weekend.

  2. Unknown
    Unknown says:

    Thank you for another inspiring post Mrs Shockley.
    I love that concept, it really reminds us to live our best lives and to be our best selves. I also have a quick story to share, I hope you don't mind.
    One day I was complaining to my sister in law that I had to pay my bills and that I always seem put it off for some reason and she replied – be great full that we are able to pay our bills. It was was such a simple passing comment but it has stuck with me for a long time. We must remember why we are paying these 'bills' and be grateful we are blessed enough to be able to. Take care, Prue

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Prue,
      Always feel welcomed to share stories. I love to hear them. And your sister in law is right! I feel that way too sometimes but especially now with businesses closing and people losing their jobs being able to pay your bills is a blessing. I try to keep that in mind every time I begin to grieve about what is happening. Chin up!!! Thank you for sharing Prue!

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