Weekly Beauty Inspiration ~ LABL Book


Hello Everyone!

I am wearing sweaters! Yay, but we will see how long this lasts. Yesterday I stopped at Walmart and picked up a few more faux autumn flowers and some delicious pumpkin bread from Starbucks! I haven’t had any in some years! It’s still delicious. 

photo credit Rachel Ellen Events 

Okay, it is time for our weekly inspiration from Alexandra Stoddard’s book Living a Beautiful Life. I am really taking my time and trying to savor this book bit by bit. 

I have finished Chapter 1 and I am starting Chapter 2. There were a few more things from Chapter 1 that I wanted to share…

Alexandra said, “I always have fresh flowers at my workspace, even if it’s three daisies in a little vase. And I have a handful of my favorite books near me for inspiration and reference.”

photo credit Julie Hengel 

I am guilty of having books and flowers on my desk or near it. Alexandra said she believes that beauty can be achieved in the smallest, simplest ways, and this beauty enriches your work experience. I couldn’t agree more. Having a beautiful space at my job has helped me through some rough patches when dealing with co-workers. 

One more quote that I wanted to share from the chapter was… “Personal rituals make you a poet- and they can help you feel good about yourself and others. They reinforce the significance of the simple acts we perform repeatedly. While you are fulfilling basic needs, you can make the ordinary quite extraordinary. When you make your everyday rituals- simple things such as bathing, sleeping, and editing- meaningful and attractive, they nourish other areas of your life.” 

photo credit French Country Cottage 
I hope these inspiring quotes give you the desire to bring more beauty in your life. Even if it’s just the simplest things. Bring them in, live with it, and embrace it. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and let me know in the comments section how you are doing on autumn decor and wearing sweaters!

(quotes Alexandra Stoddard)

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Good morning Mrs. Shockley,

    I too am savoring this book. I usually read a couple of books at a time,but I keep reaching for this particular book. I have been underlining quotes and using post it notes for notes too-on things I already do and things I would like to add into my life. I showed my sister a picture of the desk you have in your post. Oh my gosh. We both love it. I have a french provincial desk, and I am inspired to place a large mirror behind it.

    On another note, I made the Apple Cranberry Oatmeal bake this morning. My girls and I loved it. I didn't have cranberries on hand, but it was divine anyway. I made a homemade cream to have on the side. It was more like a breakfast dessert. I printed the recipe off and will be adding this to my recipe binder. 🍂

    Have a lovely day,


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Mya,
      I like you have been reaching for this book as well. I have also been using a highlighter for this book! I don't intend on giving it to someone else but if I do I hope they don't mind all of the marks. Oh you have a french desk? Oh I am so jealous. I have been wanting one for a while and have found a few on Facebook market. I may have to take the plunge.
      I still can't believe you made the recipe! I am so happy to hear that you guys enjoyed it! I have been craving oatmeal for weeks now. Oh I have to try it!

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