Weekly Beauty Inspiration ~ LABL (5)


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope all is well. Halloween is tomorrow. We purchased a little bit of candy just in case we have trick or treaters stop by but other than that it will be a quiet weekend for us. 

I will be working on the blog, reviewing my Thanksgiving dinner checklist, finishing some last Christmas gift purchases (I am almost finished), and hopefully getting in some reading. 

Okay, let’s get into this week’s Living a Beautiful Life tip. I am still in Chapter 3. It is quite a long chapter and I have been quite busy with other things so I have it on my list to finish this chapter this week. Alexandra the author continues to talk about food and how to enjoy it. She says…

“Good eating is a philosophy. I know a French lady who muses, “I am the keeper of my sacred body. I guard carefully everything I put in my mouth.” She eats entirely by the seasons. 

What great advice! I have been recently trying to eat my produce by the seasons. There is a great difference in taste when you do this. 

Photo by Melnychuk Nataliya on Unsplash

She goes on to say, “Certain foods should be eaten at certain times of the year. Nothing is more disappointing than a tasteless plastic tomato in December. The best way to select fresh ingredients at the best price with the most flavor is to follow the seasons.

In the early spring, asparagus comes on the market, and by June and July, there are melons and berries. Corn in July. We often go to a local restaurant that has tomatoes and basil on the menu all summer, yet only serves this dish when the tomatoes are perfect. “

I recently stopped buying blueberries because they began to taste terrible. I have shifted to grapes for the moment. I do buy apples as well. 

Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash

The last tip that I wanted to share from Alexandra is her tips about taste. She says, “Experiment with your basic menus. Add ginger and blanched scallions and Greek olives to your chicken one night; the next, nutmeg, bacon, and sour cream to your spinach. Then add a touch of soy sauce to whatever you have in the wok…..  Carrots are delicious with fresh orange or tangerine juice squeezed into the butter, plus a pinch of cinnamon and a little brown sugar.”

That sounds stupendous! Carrots with all those flavors, I may have to try that!

Let me know in the comments section if you have ever tried carrots prepared this way. I still hope that you all are enjoying these snippets from the book. I enjoy sharing them. 

Have a great weekend everyone!