Weekly Beauty Inspiration ~ LABL (6)


Photo by Rikonavt on Unsplash

Good Friday Afternoon,

What a week it has been. This election…. geez. I will say this I always, always pray for whoever the new President is. I believe that since they are the leader of our country we should be praying for them. Also here is the thing, if they do well then we all do well. I always pray for our presidents. Always. 

Okay, let’s dive into the last portion of Chapter 3 in Living a Beautiful Life. I have already started Chapter 4 but as I was reading the “Grace Notes” portion of the book I felt like some of Alexandra’s tips needed to be shared. I hope you agree.

Use hand towels as generous lap napkins. (great idea!)

* Place fresh flowers in water in an extra sink or in a bucket and just leave them there until they need to be placed around the house. (what a fun idea!)

Photo by Guillaume LORAIN on Unsplash

* Store candles in the refrigerator; they’ll burn longer. ( I have never heard of this before)

* Serve green grapes with Roquefort cheese on hard pumpernickel rolls. (Sounds like a wonderful treat!)

* Decant olive oil and wine vinegar. (I am sure many of us do this already)

* Use an old Welsh dresser, English baker’s cabinet, or French armoire in the kitchen to store dishes and silverware. (Ahh I really want to do this!)

* Grate fresh parmesan cheese on a spinach salad. 

* Marinate chicken cut in quarters in freshly squeezed orange juice and fresh sliced ginger root, then bake slowly for two hours at 250 degrees. (This sounds sooo good!)

Photo by Alexandra K on Unsplash

* Call a busy friend and make a date to meet for an early breakfast visit, to catch up. (Last month we took my brother in law out to brunch for his birthday. We had a great time!)

* Sprinkle parmesan cheese on popcorn. A healthy, low-calorie snack – I picked up the idea from Jane Brody.  (This sounds delicious!)

And the last grace note from Alexandra….

* Retrieve a set of those pretty plates you have hidden away in a kitchen cabinet, and hang them on the wall for all to see. A good hardware store will have plate holders in several sizes, designed for hanging. (I have been wanting to try this for some time now)

Photo by Chance Anderson on Unsplash

I hope everyone has enjoyed this chapter of the book. I do adore these “Grace Notes” at the end. It’s like a beauty checklist for living. This weekend I will be working on my Christmas decorations. I purchased some flock spray earlier this year from Amazon. We will be spraying some of my trees with it. I sure hope it turns out okay. I will let you guys know. I have been wanting a flocked Christmas tree for some time now. I just didn’t want to spend a fortune on one and I have about 6 Christmas trees in my garage that I could use. 

I will be sure to let you guys know how it turns out! Have a wonderful weekend!

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Good morning Mrs.Shockley,

    Ohh..I am enjoying this book too. I am still in chapter 3. I have an old dresser that I am using in my dining room with a mirror above. I'm hoping the Daily Connoisseur will invite us to share our holiday table settings-the dresser is a beautiful thing. I store my table cloths and placemats and entertaining items in the drawers. I hope you can get one. I found mine on marketplace. The story about the mom serving her kids popcorn made my heart melt. Now that I'm home mostly, I have been doing this for my girls. It's the small things but they will remember that their mom made a fresh snack for them everyday after school. I feel inspired to call up a friend and invite her over for lunch. I haven't done that much lately. Can't wait to hear about your flocked tree. Those and the garland are so beautiful.

    Talk soon,


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      I am so jealous that you can use a dresser. I really would like to have that option but I don't have the space for it. It sounds wonderful! I hope Jennifer asks us to share our tables too. I did share my cabinet. It made me smile to see it.
      I enjoyed the story about the popcorn as well. It's the little things in life that shape us. I am sure your girls will remember these times. I remember the times I had with my grandmothers. They were the best! I sure hope my trees come out okay. We are suppose to start those today. Have a great weekend!

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