Follow Your Dreams ~Inspiration from Victoria Magazine



Hello Everyone,

I don’t think I have made it a secret about how much I love Victoria magazine especially January’s issue. If you have not picked up a copy I would suggest you do! It was SO inspiring. For me having my very own side business has always been a dream. I never knew how I would accomplish it and to this very day I still don’t know how, but creating beautiful things has always been a dream for me. 

Even having this blog has been one of the best adventures that I have ever taken. This blog has caused me to create an environment that I love and can’t wait to return to. I love my blog seriously I do. It’s nice to have something that belongs to you. Especially if it is something that you are creating. I always pray that the Lord will continue to lead me in the right direction. 

I picked up my magazine in December and dived right into the articles. This issue is the Entrepreneur issue and has lots of women who are starting businesses while also following their dreams. 



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley



This issue talked about seven women entrepreneurs. I follow about three of them and love the work that they do. It is so rewarding to do what you love. I think that most of us follow Jennifer L. Scott and love her channel. I thought they did such a wonderful job telling her story. 


photo credit: John O’Hagan ~ Victoria Magazine 


The other entrepreneurs that I follow are Cheryl Luckett and Erisha Rubingh. Both of them have wonderful companies that will inspire you to live well. Another person that was mentioned in the magazine was Ajiri Aki who has a business that I dream of.  Ajiri Aki has a wonderful business called Madame de la Maison.  Ajiri has a fondness for beautiful things and turned that into a career. She started her business after she explored Paris’s flea markets and began to buy items to sell online. What a dream!!! 



photo credits: Madame de la Maison 



I hope you found this post to be inspiring. Whatever your dream may be, whether it’s joining Youtube, starting a blog, or an online business, do what you LOVE. With everything going on around us we are in a time where the “pursuit of happiness” is a must!


Thanks for reading! 



2 replies
  1. Lisa B
    Lisa B says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,
    I have followed your blog for a few years now and love your new website! Your posts are so beautiful and inspiring. I too love Victoria Magazine and have subscribed since it returned in 2007. I have kept all of the issues and still read them all. It brings beauty to my life in this crazy world. I even purchased the very first issue from 1987 off of Etsy.

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hello Lisa!
      I am so glad that you decided to comment. I love hearing from longtime followers! Thank you so much for your support all these years! That makes my heart sing. I love Victoria. I knew when I saw that first issue that I had found my world! You have the first issue? Wow! That is wonderful! Thank you so much for reading my blog and for following me to the new website. I hope it is easier for everyone.

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