A Time to Focus



Good Afternoon,

Well, I guess snow felt the need to make an appearance this season. I can’t believe all the snow that they are getting in Texas! Wow…. here we are holding steady and honestly Indy is use to this kind of weather. It doesn’t mean we like it but we are use to it. Well enough snow talk….. 


I recently found this meme on Pinterest and wanted to share it.


photo credit: Pinterest


I read this during quarantine last year and it made me do some serious thinking. I began to think about everything that I tried to do in my office to get promoted and then it dawned on me that it was wasted energy. So at that moment, I began to take that energy and put it toward things that mattered. 


photo credit: Pinterest 

So then this meme popped in my news feed on Pinterest and I thought, hum. God is listening. I think the Lord uses small things to speak to us. So I then started to put more of my time and energy into my home life. I got my daughter on a checklist schedule for school. I began to think of things that my husband and I could do. I put more energy into prayer and devotional time. I got focused on my weight loss, moved my blog to my own website, organized my home, and started an online boutique. And you know what, I have been so much happier!


photo credit: Marchioness (Instagram)


I honestly just got tired of things. I am tired of all of the stupid competing that some of the support staff in our office do. I just got tired and so now I am at the point where I really don’t care who they promote I am just going to take my energy and run my own race! I am so excited about my new online boutique! I am telling you guys even looking for items for my boutique has given me a joy that I have not had in a long time. That’s how I know that I am following my passion. 


If you feel like you are running in circles in your career, you may want to take a step back and re-evaluate things. Really began to ask your self is this what you really want? Is this position or job really worth the fight? I asked myself those questions and I came up with a loud and resounding NO! Now I am not saying that I am going to quit my job but what I am saying is it’s no longer going to take top priority. No, it’s been shifted to last on my list and that is where it will stay. 


photo credit: Laurel Bern Interiors 


Now if the Lord opens a door for me as far as a promotion then I will accept it because I don’t think he will allow jobs or opportunities into my life that are not his will. But one thing that I am done with doing is being concerned with other people’s thoughts of me. And worrying about if they think I am worthy of promotion. Over it! 

What are your thoughts? Have you been here before? Be brave and share your experience. In the meantime here is an article about 11 Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life. It’s a great list. I hope you enjoy it! 


Other blog posts about life elegance:

Challenges in the Office, the Symphony of Elegance, Chic Tips for Working Women, and  Be Someone of Quality