Trying to Live Well ~ Part 2



Happy Friday!

It is a cold day here in Indy. We got 3 more inches yesterday…. I think everyone is hating snow this season. I hope things get better in Texas. I pray that they do. This weekend I have some errands to run. I really want to go to Kohls. I heard that the Harry Slatkin candle collection is at Kohl’s. I want to go and give those a smell and I may stop by DSW to have a look at their sandals. Well, let’s get into today’s post. 

In 2018,  I wrote a blog post called Trying to Live Well, and in that blog post, I discussed my frustration with rude people. I can’t believe that I wrote that almost 3 years ago! Time is just flying. Well, my frustration with people has since calmed down but the world is still a rude place. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

We are now in a new year and I always try to think about my year ahead. It’s hard to do that but I do know that living a good life is always on my list. I was on Amazon (like always) and spotted another Alexandra Stoddard book called “You Are Your Choices; 50 Ways to Live a Good Life”. 

Alexandra talked about how past philosophers “believed we should live by the Golden Triangle of what is true, good, and beautiful. When we grasp what is true and good, we elevate our lives to become beautiful”. 


photo credit: Rachel 


Alexandra goes on to say that “the good life is a life of moral excellence that leads to happiness. We need to be hungry and thirsty for life abundant in order to fulfill our highest aspirations day to day. While some people just want to get by, we should choose to thrive”. 


photo credit: Gal Meets 


The last thing that I wanted to share from the book was this, “a well-lived life is not an accident. The challenges that some of us will face in the future are unprecedented. We must be prepared. We are not saints. We are often tempted. We will not always make wise choices, but we will have to live with the consequences and hardships as a result. Nonetheless, we can recommit ourselves to true, good, and beautiful. Never mistake your choice to live a good life as selfishness. This is what all of us ought to be choosing. By having a proper framework for right thinking and right action, we come to understand that we have a right to pursue personal happiness”. 

I hope this helps some of you today. Choose truth, good, and the beautiful! I also believe that the Lord will guide us to it. 

Have a great weekend! 




2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    I had to go back and read that post from 2018. Amazing to see rudeness at such levels. It’s mindboggling to me at times. I often find myself alone almost in a hermit like state, more often than I’maround people. Some people actually frighten me. They attack with such vitriol and animosity, I can’t bare it. I too wish to live well. Building a strong foundation with God is crucial. It is the first step in helping you to stand against the blows of harsh winds of life that inevitably will churn up. The way we handle these situations is what matters. Living a beautiful life is a choice. Even if you can’t manifest it physically you can do it mentally. We must nourish our souls from within so we have the light to share with others. The Golden Triangle…what a wonderful way to look at it. I’ll be checking this book out myself. Have a nice week Mrs Shockley 🌷💕

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hello Tracey!
      Yes people are crazy! You are not the only one who has been frightened by people. I get scared myself sometimes. I agree with you. Honestly, if it had not been for the Lord I don’t know what kind of trouble I would have been in.
      I like that Tracy, nourish our souls. That is a great way to put it. Yes the Golden Triangle. Sounds a lot like something from the Bible. That book will always be number 1. Have a wonderful week Tracey!

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