The Kentucky Derby- Dream Trip


I remember when I was in high school and a friend of mine was telling me about how she was going to the Kentucky Derby. This had to have been around the year 2000 so we were still juniors in high school. I went over to her house to see what she was going to be wearing and she showed me a very skimpy outfit that was very distasteful. Now in my mind, I thought what a minute from the pictures and from what I have seen on T.V. the women at the derby did not dress like that. So what derby was she referring to? 

As I got older I realized that there were different groups that went to the “derby” and she was not in the group that actually attended it. I have always wanted to go to the derby but I actually wanted to be inside the track not hanging around it with skimpy clothes on. 


photo credit:


Last week was the derby and I saw a lot of photos and videos on Instagram of people having “derby parties”. I thought what a fun idea. Especially now during the pandemic, this would be fun and easy to accomplish. But my heart still yearns to actually attend the derby so I have added it to my list of to-dos. 


photo credit:


Or should I just throw a Derby party? I don’t know. Honestly, most of the people I know would not even bother wearing a dress let alone a derby hat. I think attending the derby would be the best for me. I really want the experience. Please let me know in the comment section below if you have attended a derby party or have actually gone to the Kentucky Derby! I would love to know what it was like for you and some do’s and don’ts. Please share!!!


Have a great Wednesday! 







4 replies
  1. Kelsie
    Kelsie says:

    Oh I would love to! I watch the Kentucky Derby every year on TV. The outfits are so fun to see and I love the tradition of it all. I doubt my husband would want to go, but maybe he’d attend a party. I think a party would only be fun if people stuck to the theme. It’s sad how people don’t want to dress up anymore! Also, if everyone selected a horse and there was a prize for the winner. How fun!


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Kelsie!
      I missed it this year but got to see some photos online! I really wished people would dress up. I think it makes people happy. They may not believe it but it does!
      My co-worker attended a Derby party last weekend and they did select a winner. She won $100! I thought how fun is that!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Mint julep, fancy hats and clothing and horses is all I know about the Derby. It’s exciting to watch. I quit watching when I saw a lovely horse be seriously injured and it put me off. I do not know anyone who has ever been or even wanted to have a party. I’ve wanted to go to the Atlanta Steeplechase event. It’s something I do not want to go to by myself and I’ve not experienced it yet. I may muster up courage and go alone one day😊.

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Ms. Tracey!
      I only know of one person who has gone to the Derby. But I think most of us don’t know anyone. Everyone has different interests but I think it would be superb to attend. I will have to look up that event you mentioned. I have never heard of that before. I think having the courage to attend things alone will end up being the new normal. It’s sad but true. I don’t have anyone here in my city who would go with me to events.

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