Loving Your Season


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Good Monday Morning,

I had a good and hard weekend if that makes sense. Within 48 hours three people that I knew died. Two of them died from Covid and the other was a young man who was shot. I don’t understand all of God’s reasonings for these deaths. I try not to get into my “head” too much because I could get really sad and that would not be good for me or my family so I try to do what I can and pray. 

Okay, now on to today’s post. I was watching another video from Dominique Sachse and I heard her say, “love the season that you are in” and that stuck with me. My 39th birthday is approaching and with this year getting close to the end, I am trying to understand some things and learn to trust God more. It is very hard for me to trust the Lord. I don’t trust easily it is a hard thing for me to do. I think my childhood has a lot to do with it and the older I get the more I realize that. 


photo credit: Brigitte Tohm


As I am looking toward the future and also reviewing my past. I am seeing a lot and beginning to understand why I went through a few things. That’s another reason why I am so glad that I journal. I talked about this before. Journaling is so important. Especially when you are trying to grow as a woman. 

I was just recently thinking about how much I hated my 20s. I won’t lie I hated my 20s. I was super stressed all the time. I had a baby young, married young, and took on two stepchildren in addition to working full-time, trying to build my career, make a beautiful home, and don’t forget about the normal cooking and cleaning. My 20s were hard! I tried to enjoy them as much as a could because Lauren was young but it was so hard! 


photo credit: Brigitte Tohm


I journaled the entire time in my 20s and I am so glad that I did. Now when I read it there are a lot of, “oh that’s why that happened, or awe now I understand that”. I am so glad that I did. My 20s were hard but there were a lot of good things going on. The kids were healthy and growing, we bought our first home, purchased a brand new car, I started a new job at my current office with better health benefits and more money so that season was not all lost. “Love your season”.

Then my early 30s got a little better. There were still some challenges of course. The crazy ex-wife couldn’t stop being petty, then the co-worker crap began but in the midst of that blessings were still flowing. My husband’s company was doing well, I got promoted, we built our second home, got to go on more vacations, I traveled more for work, and started the blog! And honestly, this is when I started to “fight to enjoy my season”. 


There were still things going on but my mid-thirties was when I began to understand okay, you can’t control everything. Do your best and trust the Lord. Now here I am approaching 40. I got promoted! Honestly, this was the final position that I was attempting to reach. I didn’t believe that I would get it so soon but here I am. I am still blogging, I started a boutique (I hope to keep it), and I am really enjoying this journey so far. I am trying to love my seasons. I am hoping that I can. There is so much going on in life right now and it is very short. So I say this to you as well as myself. Love your season!

Have a great Monday!




4 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    What a beautiful post. I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes we may not understand the “whys”, but trusting in the Lord even when we don’t know what’s ahead will give us a sense of peace. Sounds like we are in the opposites of seasons. I am 38 years old, soon to be 39. But, my girls are very young so my season is the busyness of having small children. When I was in my 20’s, I never imagined that I would be working very part time, and home mostly. To say that I was a career woman is to say the least.I enjoy my nursing career very much, but any advancement or further education is on the back burner. So, i am embracing this season and trying to find the silver lining-it’s not always easy though. Thank you for the encouraging post. You are a blessing.

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      We are on different sides of the seasons. I hope you enjoy your girls. I still can’t believe that Lauren is 16! She was only 9 when I started the blog! Time is just going by so fast! I understand the part about putting things on the back burner. I did that for years because of Lauren and my step-sons. Family always came first. You are doing the right thing Mya. The Lord works out everything in his timing. You are a blessing as well!

  2. Ms.Tracey
    Ms.Tracey says:

    Im terribly saddened to hear of the losses you’ve experienced in such a short period of time. That’s a challenge within itself. Ecclesiastes 9:11 says in part ” because time and unexpected events overtakes them all.” It’s tragic and yet apart of life right now. I have realized that in my journey with God that I flat out ask why/what/where. I ask that I’m shown the answers clearly so I understand, even if it hurts, I want the truth. Matthew 7:7-8 “keep on asking… keep on seeking…keep on knocking”. Ask in faith that it will be revealed and that could help bolster you up to trust more. When has he let you down? You’ve seen many examples where he helped and took care of you and yours. Reflecting on these things will also help build trust. Sometimes we receive a gift, but it’s in a package we don’t expect. We frown up at it or even discard it altogether because it doesn’t meet our expectations. Yet inside is the priceless information we had been searching for all along. If you seek the truth it will be found by you. Accept what you find and don’t discard it. Afterall you’re asking for it. I hope you have peace in not just this season but all the days and seasons to come. Cherish each one. Even when they become more difficult to handle, they are still precious. In my prayers Mrs Shockley 💗🙏🏾🌺

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Thank you Ms. Tracey for these beautiful words! I needed to hear them, seriously! I am with you. I always ask God why. I don’t get it sometimes but I am doing my very best. Thank you so much for the prayers. We have been praying for these families all week.

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