A Special Note….



Hello Wednesday,

I am still doing my morning walks. I believe this is week four and I am still loving it. I did order some new exercise clothes and a cellphone armband case. I will share those items with you all when they arrive. I am really excited about them. 

I received something wonderful in the mail recently. I was debating with myself if I should even post this but it’s so wonderful that I wanted to share it with everyone. Most of you know that I love Jennifer L. Scott’s channel and her books. I became an “Elegant Connoisseur” last year and have been getting my blog and boutique advertised every month on her channel. I completely forgot about one of the perks of being an “elegant connoisseur” and that is receiving a handwritten letter from Jennifer for your birthday! Well, I received my letter this past weekend and wanted to share the lovely poem that she wrote for me!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


She wrote, “Mrs. Shockley, sweet and true, always with her white and blue. Ginger jars and time for tea. Cashmere shawls and chinoiserie.” Isn’t that lovely? That put such a big smile on my face when I read it. I just love it! I will cherish this letter and poem forever. Thank you Jennifer if you are reading this. This was truly a treasure!

Have a great Wednesday everyone!





2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Awwwww how sweet. I’m glad you shared this Mrs Shockley. What a beautiful poem for you. It’s a so much fun to get something totally unexpected and handwritten to boot???

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I know! I was so surprised when I opened the letter. It put a big smile on my face and my husband enjoyed it as well!

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