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Oh boy, it has been a very sad week for us. Our younger boxer, Deacon, began having issues last week. He panted for days, and would not sleep. Then on Monday morning he simply could not move. My husband took him to the vet and they ran all of the necessary tests and found nothing. But then a second vet said that it could be a neurological issue and if it is then this is not good. For the past several days we have had to move him from room to room, help him try to potty, feed him and the whole thing has been really awful. We do not want to lose our doggie. We love him very much and hope that we can find some options soon. 

In today’s post, I did want to share something fun. I follow a few online vintage sellers and wanted to share them with you all. 



photo via: Instagram


I follow quite a few and most of them share a similar style of home decor items. I believe that they are all “grandmilliennial” lovers and have great taste. The first is By George Vintage, then there is The Depository, Raspberry and Royal, Vintage Home 17, House of York, Pender & Peony, and Splendid in the South.

I hope you all enjoy going through their Instagram feeds this weekend. They all sell wonderful home decor items. Some of them host auction nights. You have to be quick on those nights because a lot of the items vanish quickly! 

Happy Vintage Item Hunting!


Also, have you started your Christmas shopping? Looking for a gift for a tween? My Stella Bow Satchel in pink is on sale for $17! It could be used as a crossbody as well. It is the cutest little mini bag. I only have 2 left! 


7 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,

    I’m so sorry to hear about sweet Deacon’s health decline. My family and I went through a very similar situation with our boxer in May. Prayers that the vet will find the cause and Deacon will make a recovery. Hugs ❤


      • Mya
        Mya says:

        Our boy started out by having seizures, then the non stop panting and inability to walk. We even put him in doggie diapers. The vet gave us a concoction of pain meds for him(7 pills twice per day,including his seizure meds). At first they did seem to knock off some of the pain, but it didn’t last long. We got a feew opinions and were told brain tumors are common with boxers as they age,so that was most likely causing his issues. He was 14.5 years old which is almost unheard of for a boxer. My husband had to make the decision that we would honor him by giving him a peaceful passing. I was not present for that because I was torn about it,and wanted him to go naturally. But in hindsight, my husband made the best decision. I miss him dearly, but I know his soul is at peace and he is not suffering. And focusing on all good memories helped me tremendously. Deacon is blessed to have the Shockley’s as his parents. He knows and trusts his family is doing best for him. I always smile when your dogs photobomb or make an impromptu appearance in your videos!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Oh my dear Mrs Shockley, I do hope you can find what’s happening to your Deacon. I’m sorry to hear such news. Perhaps check around to see if there is a holistic veterinary practice in your area that uses acupuncture. Sometimes our pets have issues like we humans do and even take the same medication and herbal supplements. It might be an option. Wish I knew something more to tell you. Please keep us posted on the blog. Hugs to you all🌺💕

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I hope we find out something too! This last week has been so hard! He doesn’t want to eat and hardly sleeps. It’s been really difficult.
      I love your idea about looking for a holistic vet! I will try that! Thank you!

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