Our Boy…



Good Morning Everyone,

It has been a very sorrowful morning. Yesterday we had to put our beautiful boy Deacon down. The specialist told us that he had cancer which caused the paralysis. He had brain cancer. It has been an awful 24 hours but we know we will get through it. 



This is Deacon as a puppy. He was so stubborn and ornery. We loved him so much. He had so much spirit and love. 



This was Deacon in March of this year. I was taking a picture of Lauren and her bestie. They had both just turned 16 and I just wanted the girls. Deacon got right in the picture and sat down. I yelled at him to move but he didn’t. After I snapped this photo I felt it in my heart. “I got this photo of him for a reason” and here we are.  It seems as though he knew. He knew that this would be the last photo of him. Oh, I love my boy so much!

Sorry for the sad post but I just wanted to celebrate our boy today. We love you Deacon! Enjoy heaven! Have a great weekend everyone!




8 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Dear Mrs.Shockley,

    Please accept my condolences for the loss of your sweet boy. He is now resting peacefully in heaven. I bet he’ll make friends with our boxer Zeus. Two sweet boxers! Yes, they must be part of everything and always in the middle. That’s a boxer for you.



    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Thank you Mya! I do hope that our boys are besties. They would make me feel better! Hugs back to you!

  2. Kelsie
    Kelsie says:

    Mrs. Shockley,

    I have been thinking of you every day since you shared the news of Deacon’s health concerns. This brought tears to my eyes. I am so very, very sorry! I’m sure you will cherish that picture forever. It reminds me of a quote by Dr. Seuss. “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

    My condolences.


  3. Kathleen
    Kathleen says:

    Dear Mrs.Shockley,

    I am so sorry for your loss of Deacon. We have lost two pets, and it takes so long to grieve them. I cried at red lights for months. I understand how you feel. I felt bereft and I know you do too. There are those little moments that you think back on, like the photo, that will always stay with you. They know. It is heartbreaking. My thoughts are with you and all the warm baths you gave him. Love to you, Kathleen

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hello Kathleen,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I felt weird crying so much yesterday about our boy but I could not help it. He was family to us. We all miss him so much! Thank you for the prayers!

  4. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Mrs Shockley and family I’m so sorry for the loss of your Deacon. Sending hugs from GA darling. Take comfort he isn’t suffering any longer, although it still hurts you. I know the pain all too well💕

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