Macaroni Soup- A Comfort Food Recipe



Good Morning Everyone,

Goodness, these Fridays sure do come pretty fast. January is almost over and I keep looking at my closet thinking, “okay I have to do a cleanout soon”. There are a few items that I need to put on my Poshmark closet account and I few items that I need to donate to the women’s shelter. Speaking of women’s shelters I have not been able to volunteer at Dress for Success for almost two years now and it has made me so sad. The pandemic has really ruined a lot of things but we will continue to pray and move forward. 

I did want to share that my macaroni soup came out so good! I was so happy with the results and had to share it will you guys!



It was so simple to make. I followed the instructions. I browned the meat with olive oil and chopped up my veggies. 




photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


One thing that I did differently and that was cook my pasta separately. The instructions do call for you to cook your pasta with the meat and veggies but I didn’t want that. I cooked it separately and then added all of the veggies, seasonings, and broth together. 



I love seeing all of the colors and textures. It was so good! I did add some beef bouillon and they gave it a little more flavor. It was so warm and tasty. 



I did bake some french bread and we had this with it as well. It was so good. I had it for lunch twice this week. The recipe was so simple, the ingredients so affordable and the soup was so filling. The link to the recipe is here if you wish to try it and I hope you do. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for reading!


Just a reminder the Lillian Vine Dress is only $20 this weekend. It’s a great transitional dress! 






4 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    I agree, January has flown by. I was hoping you would share your thoughts on the soup! My daughter is having a few friends over this weekend and I’m definitely making this. I plan to serve a simple garden salad on the side. Will you be on Jennifer’s zoom this weekend? I’m going to try for my first time, but with 3 11 year olds we shall see. I see you have the Spode Delamere Salad Plates. Such vintage style,yet modern and beautiful.

    Have a beautiful weekend,


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh you have to let me know how it turns out Mya! I loved this soup! It was so hearty and delicious! I do plan on being on the Zoom call tomorrow. I hope I don’t forget about it. I have it on my calendar. My plates are acutally bread plates. I still need to order some salad plates. They are a beautiful print!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    What a yummy recipe. Thank you for sharing Mrs Shockley. It does look good. Perfect for this freezing cold dampness. I agree the month has just flown by. I just shake my head in disbelief. It’s practically gone already. Enjoy your weekend💕🌷😊

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