Paula Deen’s Birthday Cake



Good Morning,

Oh goodness, is it the weekend yet? I am ready for the weekend already! It has been such a busy week at work and it is only Wednesday! But on to something fun that I saw on Facebook…

I think that I mentioned that I follow a Facebook page called Grandmillennial Style and we are always sharing our finds and decor from our homes. Well someone shared these wonderful photos from Paula Deen’s 75th Birthday party on our group page. I have no idea who the photographer was or who posted the pictures but I do know one thing, I need to find out who made her cake!!!!


photo via Facebook 


OMG! This was her cake! It’s incredible, isn’t it? Oh my goodness!


photo via Facebook


I kept staring at it trying to find out how it was made. I am so curious about this cake and in love with it!


photo via Facebook

It’s a beautiful cake, isn’t it? My only hope is that the information about who the baker is surfaces. My 40th birthday is this year and I would LOVE to have something similar to his made. I may have to just take this photo and have someone try to make something similar. What do you all think? I hope this put a smile on your face today. Have a great Wednesday!







2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Yes my goodness Mrs Shockley I want this week over too. I’ve been dog tired and worn absolutely out. It’s been a week already.
    As for Paula Deen cake it’s certainly impressive. A total show piece. According to a blog post I found it was a collaboration cake between Elaine Drouin Desserts and beautifullybakedbybonne

    Here is the blog I found that on

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Yay! I knew someone would be able to tell me who made it! Thank you so much for sharing the blog post!

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