The Beautiful Style of Jessica Fletcher


Good Morning Everyone,

I had a pretty good weekend. I watched a new action film called Infinite with Mark Wahlberg and it was not bad. We went and had dinner at Chic fil A on Friday and someone dumped a cup of ice in the parking lot near our car and I slipped and fell on it! I just laughed when I hit the ground. My purse somehow shifted behind me and I landed on it! It was perfect! I could not have planned it better myself. Once I recovered my family and I just laughed all the way home. I told Lauren, “well I guess I was due”. I had not slipped and fallen on ice in about 3 years. I was due”. 

I am planning my year. I’ve got to get doctor’s appointments scheduled and I am trying to meet with a dietitian this year! That is one of my goals for 2022. I am also gearing up for my first tax year for A Home for Elegance. I can’t believe it! I am going to be a nervous wreck until this is done. Goodness… 

I am also teleworking today, yay! I have not teleworked in months and I am so happy to be able to do this today. I know the rest of the week will be busy but I am going to enjoy this today. Alright now on to today’s post. 

Have any of you ever watched Murder She Wrote? I started watching it a few years ago. It was on one of those nights that I could not sleep and needed something good to watch. One thing I noticed was her clothes. Did any of you ever pay attention to the outfits she wore during those episodes?  Here are a few to jog your memory…





photos via Pinterest


She looks sensational right? I wish celebrities and T.V. stars still dressed this way but unfortunately being nude has become more popular. 



I have to say I am a big fan of how she wears her scarves. I mean how chic is that? I read online that in a 1992 interview a costume designer by the name of Eilish Zebrasky was “careful” to fit Angela Lansbury in fashions that reflective her age. I would have to say that she did a wonderful job!


I spy a blue and white lamp…




I will surely be taking some tips from her fashion. In most of these photos, I would say that you can still wear these outfits today. I also love the mysteries. Murder She Wrote is just a classic television series that I am so glad to be able to still watch. It could be that I am getting older but I crave more shows like this. I always pray that the Lord can help me to find beautiful things to watch. Let me know what your favorite classic shows are. 

Have a great Monday!





4 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Oh no ouchy for you. Oh goodness. I’m glad you weren’t hurt and had a purse to cushion your fall. That’s never fun. I’m glad you all got a chuckle out of it😉 Jessica Fletcher…she was sharp wasn’t she? I remember the nights I used to sleepover my great grandma house we’d watch Murder She Wrote. I think it was on Sunday evenings. If I spent the whole week with her I’d watch Knots Landing, Falcon Crest, Dallas, Dynasty all the shows I was far too young to even begin to understand🤭 To think this really wasn’t that long ago when how she dressed was the norm. Like you mentioned nudity is what rules. How far we’ve fallen. I dress myself the wst I loje and I’m covered. All the bits need not show😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Lol! It was a funny fall. I’m glad it wasn’t worse either. I do remember Dallas and Dynasty and you are right. We were way too young watching those shows! But boy they were well written and the sets were so beautiful. Gosh, I miss those days sometimes. The world is a different place now.

  2. DStrong
    DStrong says:

    Happy New Year, Mrs. Shockley! I am sorry you took a fall on the ice, but I relieved that you were not hurt. I was an enormous fan of the Murder, She Wrote series as a child, and I rediscovered it on one of my streaming services last year. But now I find myself admiring Mrs. Fletcher’s wardrobe, dishes, manners, and the way she lives her life in general. She is fashionable, athletic, kind, poised, and independent — not to mention a great detective!

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Happy New Year Donya! I love Mrs. Fletcher as well. Like you, I really didn’t notice her style until recently! It’s amazing how you see things differently as you age!

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