Thriving is Elegant…


Good Morning and Happy 2022! 

Do you remember my post in December called “Word of the Year”? Did you pick your word yet? My word is trust. I need to trust the Lord more. I am not good at it. I have several reasons why but that is another blog post. Have any of you picked up the January/February issue of Victoria magazine? Oh it is good but then again they always are. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I picked up my issue a few weekends ago and have been savoring it ever since. Sometimes I read the “Reader to Reader” section and sometimes I don’t. For some reason, I read this month’s section and I am so glad that I did. 

A lot of readers were giving their hopeful expressions for the new year. Two of the letters that were sent in captured me. One reader wrote:

“The other day, I was going through my stash of inspirational greeting cards when I ran across one that a close friend gave me years ago. The purple-and-gold note has a saying from Maya Angelou emblazoned on the front: “Surviving is important. Thriving is elegant”. This sentiment resonates with me, particularly now as I am looking to make some big changes in my life. I am setting “Be Elegant” as my theme for 2022. That phrase will remind me to move beyond mere survival thinking and, hopefully, will motivate me to become a woman of style, and grace, to flourish, to grow, to succeed, and to live life to the fullest”.  ~ Jacquie Koewler (Redmond, Washington)

Now, how great was that? I marked this in the magazine and plan on absorbing this myself. I have never heard of this quote before from Maya Angelou but I can assure you it will remain in my mental rolodex from here on out! Maybe I should change my word of the year to this quote for the year. 

I just loved this letter from Jacquie and will be keeping it close by. Another item that I wanted to share that I found in this month’s magazine was the Antiques and Garden Show in Nashville, Tennesee. I really want to attend this! I spoke to my husband about it and we are trying to see if it will work with our schedules and finances. Did you see who the speakers are?

Well for starters Martha Stewart is one! Oh my gosh! I have been wanting to meet her for years. Bunny Williams is also a speaker as well as Alexa Hampton and Christopher Spitzmiller. There will be antiques and gardens and it would just be a dream to me. It really would. Of course, I will keep you all updated if we make the trip. 

Let me know in the comments below if you have ever heard of this quote for Maya? Have a great Monday!





4 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Martha in the flesh….I hope you fo get to go Mrs Shockley. How utterly exciting that would be😁 I loved the many works of Maya Angelou for a long time, but I must admit I wasn’t familiar with this one. Boy is that powerful. What an absolutely mindblowing, thought provoking and life altering message that was! That’s why Maya is one of the greats. I’m so glad you shared this. Have a beautiful day and week Mrs Shockley.

    Sidenote…the weather turned again from upper 70s and tornadoes to 29 degrees, frost for me, snow for upper elevations of GA and now the heat is back on in the house. Extreme weather. Can it make up it’s mind please.

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I hope I get to go as well. I am still trying to figure it out! Goodness, your weather is crazy. I hope it settles into winter or fall here soon. We are just now starting to drop which is rare for Indy. I think we are finally going to get snow this week!

  2. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    When I received the newest issue of Victoria Magazine, I immediately thought of you because of the Jasperware on the front. I once read that quote but it’s been a long time and I had forgotten about it. But reading it here has made me think this is something to write down so that I remember this. I don’t want to simply survive, although I have my moments. What a beautiful quote. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

    This month’s issue is saturated with beauty. Did you see The Art of Collecting book that Victoria editors have created? I have pre-ordered and can’t wait to get it.

    If you able to go to the Antiques and Garden Show, I certainly will be excited to hear about it. All of the guests I admire, but Bunny and Martha are favorites of mine.

    Lastly, the tights you shared on the LTKit are so beautiful. They are sold out in my size but I will check back. I wear tights daily in the Winter and never thought to get floral patterned tights. Gosh I must have those. And they look great on you!


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Thank you so much for the compliment! I love this quote as well. I think we are all going to be inspired by this. I did see the new book! I added it to my Amazon book list. I will be ordering it this year I hope.
      I love my tights! I actually ordered these last year and did not wear them because I was working from home but then I remembered them this week. I hope you can order a pair. You may want to check your local Target to see if they have them.

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