Lunch at a New Tea Room


Good Morning Everyone,

I am sorry for not posting on Friday. I just got extremely tired by the end of the week. I did not sleep well a few days last week. I don’t know why but I was falling asleep at 11:00 p.m. and waking up at 2:30 in the morning! It was awful. So by the time Friday hit my body just caved. I don’t know what was going on but I was just so tired. I sleep in a bit on Saturday and sleep in until 9 on Sunday. Sleeping until 9 is pretty late for me. I am normally in the bath by 9 on the weekends. 

I feel a little better today. Happy Valentine’s Day or should I say Happy Galentine’s Day to all of you! I actually looked up the definition for that and it said: “a day in which women celebrate their female friendships”. I do consider all of you my friends and hope you all treat yourselves to some wonderful “take-out” and a bouquet of flowers. Why not?

Speaking of treating yourselves I treated myself to a wonderful solo lunch early last week. I think I mentioned that I found a new tea room in my city. This tea room is actually only about 10 minutes from me. I have been wanting to go but could not find anyone to go with me so I decided to take myself. So I left the office early and had lunch at The Tea Room of Rustic Root. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 

I made a reservation for one and I requested the Lilac Room. I loved the space. 



I brought some reading material to enjoy while I ate. I did not want to spend the whole time on my phone. I felt like reading and enjoying the atmosphere. 



I also ordered a hot cup of tea. I loved using their china. I had the ginger & lemon green tea. I added a teaspoon of honey and it was wonderful. 



I was really surprised when my meal arrived. I didn’t expect a huge portion but it was pretty hearty. I ordered the turkey panini and it came with a small garden salad. I ordered raspberry vinaigrette to eat with my salad and I loved it. It also came with a cinnamon scone. The turkey panini also had this herb mayo on it which was pretty tasty. 



Okay, I have never had a scone this good but it was so good!!! This was also the first time that I had clotted cream. I wanted to eat all of it. What a treat!



I sat, ate, read…. it was a nice afternoon. 



Loved the chandeliers. 



This was on one of the walls in the lilac room. I love it and kept thinking about how I could accomplish this at home. I know Amazon has lots of plate hangers now. 







This beautiful lilac wallpaper was on another wall. I could see this in my master bathroom. But you all know my husband….. he hates wallpaper. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


Above all, it was a wonderful afternoon that I got to spend alone and enjoy a wonderful meal. I do plan on going again. I promised myself that I would. I think it is okay to dine alone. I am seeing more people do it now. We need to take the fear out of it. Spending time in solitude is a wonderful thing and can be done well. This place also reminds me of the Kopper Kettle Inn that we visited a few years ago. I may have to go back.  Have a great Monday!





4 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    Happy Galentine’s Day! 💐

    I am sorry to hear that your sleep has been off. We have all been there. So glad you took off from the blog to get some extra rest.

    Oh my- I love that tea room. I appreciate that you are inspiring your readers to visit beautiful places in solitude. In a world with much chaos this seems like a nice way to decompress. People tell me that even though it’s hard to leave little ones for time alone,it’s very necessary. So, I am going to plan for something like this at a nearby tea room for the Spring. This particular tea room has a beautiful garden they open for tea.

    To answer your question from last week, I found your blog when I was researching chicness and elegance. Your blog appeared at some point.I clicked on your link to the blog and have been a reader ever since. About seven years ago I believe. I have 3 blogs that I read faithfully, which includes yours and Jennifer’s. When you don’t post a blog, I just go read an older one and it feels new.


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Mya!
      I do hope that you make time to visit your tea room. I know you have little ones and it can be difficult for you. I hope that you can make time. It was really nice Mya. I really enjoyed it.
      Goodness, you have been reading the blog for that long? Wow.. thank you for being a follower for all these years!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    What a charming place. I’m so glad you took yourself. It is important to do this once in a while. Your meal sounds yummy. I’ve had a scone before but not clotted cream. What did it taste like? It looked like whipped butter.

    My sleep has been wonky lately as well. I went to the Dr and she had me do a sleep study test. I’m awaiting the results now. I’m sorry you having sleep issues. That’s no fun at all. It seems to be almost a trend. Everyone in my circle is having something off with sleep and so are a few coworkers. Maybe the news and all this pandemic stuff is getting to us all whether we’ve had it or not just the stress of it all might be taking a toll in more ways than one. I hope you get some rest soon. I hear magnesium aids the body when it’s time to rest. Might help us all😉💕🌷🙏🏾

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh my goodness Ms. Tracey it was light and fluffy. It did not taste like butter but a light whipped cream. It was so yummy!
      I think you are right about the news. I am so tired of hearing about all the junk going on. I have been able to get rest these last few days. I think the weather is a factor to. Like tomorrow is suppose to be 60 degrees! But just a few days ago we barely got up to 20. It’s annoying I tell you! I hope your results turn out well. I am have been trying to encourage my husband to do a sleep study for years now.

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