A Forever Home…



Good Morning,

You guys won’t believe this but we are expecting up to 3 inches of snow today! I could just scream but that’s Indiana for you. That is why I always wait to completely change my wardrobe over and work in the yard. It’s completely pointless….

But today is Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend. I know the clocks go forward as well. I always feel like I lose some of my life when that happens! That hour is everything and I mean everything. I am hoping that my nail salon finished its renovations. They were not opened last weekend and I have a feeling that they may have sold it! We will see….

I was on the Victoria website during my lunch break this week and saw an article about a “forever home”. This year I will be 40 which is still very young but I just keep thinking about how fast these years have gone by. It feels as though 20 years just zoomed right by me. I have been thinking about how long I want to work, and when I want to retire. I am trying to plan well.

I am always thinking about home life. I have been trying to see my later years in this home. I think my husband and I may have to find a one-level home down the road. 


photo credit: Stephanie W. Steele 


I love this photo. I see me and my husband having quiet dinners here. It will be a different life at that time for both of us. What about any of you? Are some of you living in your forever home right now? I would love to know what you love about your “forever home” and what you would not compromise on. I know for me having more space between me and my neighbors would be a wonderful thing. 

Have a great weekend! 



7 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Happy Friday Mrs. Shockley,

    Yikes! Snow. I know what you mean. It’s the same here in Pennsylvania. One day it’s 75 degrees, next day snow. Our Spring doesn’t really start until late March. I hope your nail salon opens this weekend or very soon.

    My husband and I are not in our forever home. I know that for sure. We live in a development, and I want a home with neighbors spread far out,if any at all. Same as you. My forever home is a old home with wood floors and architectural charm. And perhaps less sqaure footage than what we have now. That’s wonderful that you are thinking ahead. Planning is everything. I am 39 years old and wish I had that mindset when I was in my 20’s.

    Do you see yourself retiring early Mrs. Shockley? For me, I have not worked in a government agency that allows me that opportunity. Unfortunately, most nursing agencies or hospitals don’t have early retirement options.

    This is a thought provoking blog.

    Have a great weekend,


    • Mya
      Mya says:

      P.S. Have you seen the Flower Magazine channel on YT? The videos are mostly shorts but they’re so beautifully done.

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      I hope you get your “forever home”. It sounds like you already have a plan and have thought out what you want.
      I am not sure what “early retirement” will be for me. As of right now I have 17 years in with my job already and if I stay on track I could retire at the age of 57. I might stay a little longer but I don’t want to. I want to be able to leave at 57 but we will see.
      That makes me sad that the hospital industry does not have early retirement. You guys work you butts off! You need it!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    I understand your feeling about time zooming by. I’m a few years older than you and I often say “didn’t I just finish high school?”. Time has truly zipped by and I can’t fathom how it happened. I was a late bloomer in many ways, but I needed that. I do have big plans for the rest of my life. I’d like to retire from my insurance job sooner rather than later. I think I’ll be working in some capacity forever but it will be on my own terms and not punching someone else’s clock. I’m learning herbology and aromatherapy so one day I’d like to open my own apothecary and sell my elixirs, tonics and skincare products. My forever home I picture it as a farmhouse cottage with acreage for my medicinal plants and herbs, a rose and flower garden with a pond. It will be simple, filled with pretty things that I love. A nice blend of French and English country with Edwardian and Victorian touches. I see it clearly in my minds eye.
    Yes Old Man Winter has not left yet. We are in for some wacky weather again. Down in the 20s and we are under a winter weather advisory here in GA. Brrrrrr❄❄ Enjoy your weekend Mrs Shockley 😊💕⚘

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I am with you Tracey! I want to leave my current job when the time is right but I want to continue to work after retirement but I want to do something that I love!
      Your dream retirement job sounds wonderful! Opening a store to sell your own elixirs? How great! I am loving the sound of your farmhouse. Sounds like nothing but peace. What a dream!

  3. DStrong
    DStrong says:

    Snow in Indiana in March is one of the things I do not miss about living there! After being in the South for just over 20 years, it has become inconceivable to me! Wow!! Although I do find myself wishing our cold weather lasted a bit longer! We are in our dream home, but like you, a downstairs master bedroom could become a necessity in later years. But for that this would be our forever home. So I guess it is until we can no longer safely navigate the stairs. Time does fly by quickly, doesn’t it? I am amazed every time I find myself thinking about retirement. Even so, I do my best to remind myself to remain present, and enjoy each moment. I wish you a wonderful and restful weekend!

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Donya!
      You miss Indiana? Wow, sometimes I wish I lived in the south. I just love the old homes and antiques. But like you, I would miss the snow for sure. Lucky you to already have your forever home. I was already thinking about our home, having a master bedroom on the first floor. I think our stairs could become a problem in the future as well. But we will see…

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