Blue or Green Chinoiserie Canvas



Good Morning,

I had a pretty good weekend! I went to Staples to see if they had any Day Designers in stock. Of course, my location did not. I went to Target a few weeks ago and they had NONE in stock. I purchased the Rachell Parcell one and it is good but I love the format on the Day Designer so much better. I was so frustrated when I visited Staples online and I could not order this one. I love it! I am so disappointed. Maybe one of your locations has it in stock. 

I also went and visited DSW, the grocery store (picked up some fresh flowers), and the At Home Store. My dear friend Shery told me that the blue version of my green chinoiserie canvas was available. I had to go and see it for myself. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Now let me remind you of what the green one looked like. I can’t remember when I purchased this. I believe it might have been last year or maybe the year before. I loved this one as well. The colors are gorgeous so is the design. 



Here it is in the blue. Oh dear, I must admit that I love the blue a little bit more. It’s such a gorgeous print and color! 



Here is the print up close. Loving the details, the gold, the colors! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I moved the green one to my home office. I think it’s a great fit and looks wonderful in the room. I may share more photos later. The artwork that was originally there I moved to our kitchen and it looks so wonderful there. I love having artwork there as well. I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and thanks for reading!





2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    They are both lovely Mrs Shockley. I think the blue helps make your toile pillows pop a bit more. Then again I love the contrast between the blue in the pillows with the green panel. Such a challenging choice. You could always keep the green panel up for spring and summer and the blue on during fall and winter🤔💕🌸💚💙

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Huum that is a good idea. Keep one up for spring and one for fall. I may consider that. I do love them both! That is for sure.

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