Is Your Worst Still Your Best?



Good Morning,

Goodness, it is still cold! We had snow yesterday morning!!! Yes you read that correctly SNOW! Goodness, so over the cold weather. But in today’s post, I wanted to discuss Jennifer’s recent video that she posted about “3 Articles on Dress”. One of the subjects was “goblin mode”. Now, this has been the first I have heard of this phrase. I will post the video below if you missed it. So goblin mode is a new term for laziness and just looking at the photo that described it grieved my soul a little. Like Jennifer said in the video, “people can do want they want” but I just wanted to check my pulse and yours about this subject. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


So lately when I go grocery shopping or out period I have been seeing a lot of people in clothes that I think they sleep in. I mentioned this before that it just grieves me. I know that people can live the way they want but when we go out and we see how people look it can inspire us for better or worse. When I see a woman looking her absolute best it totally inspires me to continue with my clothing style choices. When I see women in “goblin mode” I feel sorry for them sometimes. But I keep in mind that I don’t know what that person is going through and to extend grace. 


Photo credit: 


We should live in a way that when we are down in the dumps we still have “elegant choices” around. The bad choices, whether clothing, food, or entertainment are not an option for you because everything you have is your absolute best. “Live your life so that your worst is your best”! That phrase popped into my mind while watching Jennifer’s video. Live your life so that your worst is your best! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I purposely choose elegant items in my life. There is no room or limited room for me to choose things that are not my best. I would encourage you to replace items, clothes, and entertainment that will enrich you to always use it. We are only on this earth for a short time. Make it count! 



Here is Jennifer’s video if you missed it. I hope that you all are inspired to use your best always and to begin to replace items that are worn with items that are the best for you. You must be fearless in this area and confident because not everyone will like it nor support it. 

As I have said before, “there is so much darkness in this world. Why not be elegant”. Have a wonderful Wednesday! 






2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Goblin Mood is the perfect phrase to describe it. When Jennifer said it, that was my first time hearing it as well. I have a multitude of feelings about this topic. I have been in this mood in different seasons of my life, especially after the death of my parents in such a short span of time. Once I came out of that mood, I didn’t repeat it. It made me feel bad physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally. I think goblin mood falls into 3 categories. A. They simply do not know any better. B. They simply do not care how they present themselves to the world and C. They are having some sort of life crisis. It’s widly accepted in the “do you, boo” mentality. Dress and groom how you want, no one can tell you what to do etc. The bar is set so dangerously low in society, which is tragic in my eyes. I do not think it can be reverse on a full societal scale. This has to be remedied on an individual basis. Once you know better, I would hope you’d do better. There is so much to unpack when it comes to this topic. It is worth revisiting and checking in on it. I can not tell you how many times I was mistaken for management just by the way I dressed and groomed myself. I was comfortable and this is the way I wanted to present myself in my position. I had a few coworkers tell me I made them dress better. It can rub off on others in a postive way. Perhaps we can present to the world what we wish to see reflected in the world💕🙏🏾🌸🌺😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      What a wonderful comment Ms. Tracey! I loved this! I think we have all had a goblin mode moment once in our lives. I do remember my moment. I was in high school and for a week I tried dressing like everyone else. It didn’t last long. It wasn’t who I was.
      I agree with your reasons for why someone will end up in “goblin mode”. People have a lot going on in their lives and sometimes life can be overwhelming. I just wish we could gain more civility instead of losing it.

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