Activities Outside of Work


Good Morning,

I can’t believe it hit 80 degrees yesterday! It was beautiful a little warm but beautiful. I placed my chinoiserie rug outside on my porch recently and I need to visit the nursery to get my mandevilles for the year. My lilac bushes are blooming and my peonies are beginning to bud. The beautiful flower season is upon us! 

I am planning on having a picnic at our favorite park soon and I will be sure to share some of my favorite items from it. With all of these summer activities coming up it and all of my new adventures beginning it got me thinking about “activities outside of work”. 



photo credit: Randi Garrett


I am on a committee at my office called the Women’s Leadership Initiative or “WLI” and we recently had a panel of women in leadership roles speak to some of our guests. We discussed topics such as motherhood, being wives, taking care of ourselves, being leaders in male-dominated fields, and being involved in activities outside of the office. All of these subjects were wonderful but the one that struck a chord with me was “activities outside of the office”. One thing that I noticed about some of the “trouble-makers” or “petty Pattys” in our office was that none of them were involved in anything significant outside of the office and you could tell!


photo credit: Pinterest


When you are involved in activities outside of your normal job it gives you balance. Because then your time and efforts are put into something else that you love! When you have nothing going on then you begin to try to find your value or worth in your current job because that is where all of your efforts are going. Don’t do that! Find other activities to do! I will be 40 later this year and I am finally at a point in my life where I can finally start getting out a little more. By me joining all of these committees and volunteering I am making friends and meeting people. 

Don’t put all of your value in your job. It is not healthy. Because what ends up happening is when so and so gets the promotion you want you then begin to devalue yourself because all of your worth is in that job! You also tend to start drama with other staff and gossip because your focus is on everyone else because you have nothing going for you. So now everyone is a target! Don’t do it. It’s not worth it and trust me people see it. 

I would say pour yourself a cup of tea, get out a pen and paper, jot down your favorite things to do and then search your city! Or you can do what I did. Speak it! When I take my morning walks I speak things out loud to the Lord. He hears and if it is his will he will get you there. I said I wanted to network. He heard me and here I am. There will be some work on your part but you can do it. Build the life you want. Don’t be one of those petty sour women in the office that thrives on drama. Rise above it! Have a great Wednesday!





5 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Powerful post Mrs. Shockley. You are so very correct about having balance. It’s easy to get off balance and stay that way as there is a measure of comfort there, due to it’s familiarity. Trouble abounds when you are not balanced. This was so good. I enjoyed this post and will take your suggestions to heart. I can implement more balance in my life as well. 💕😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Thank you! We must have balance and it is very hard to accomplish. I would love to know what things you do to bring more balance!

  2. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    Wow. This post is thought provoking for sure. I have been on the path of my nursing career and mother hood so much that for years I hadn’t seeked out much else outside of home. My activities have been taking my girls to ballet, piano, cheer,hockey, etc. But those are not my activities. They belong to my girls. You are so right- we need community connection and purpose outside of our careers, and homemaking too. I plan to share this article. It’s too good not to!



    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Mya!
      You are in the mid-year pocket of life where EVERYTHING is about your job and kids. We as mothers can’t really get involved in anything fulfilling for ourselves until the kids are a little older. Don’t fret Mya. Your time will come!

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  1. […] you to everyone who reached out about my “Activities Outside the Office” post. I think we all need a reminder from time to time. Did any of you watch Jennifer’s recent […]

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