Be Too Big to Care



Good Morning,

I am so looking forward to this weekend. I have a few “home things” planned but nothing major. Next weekend I am praying for excellent weather. I will be attending the Indiana Peony Festival and I can’t wait! I have never gone before so this will be my first year. It looked wonderful and I am trying to get out and find beautiful things to do in my city. 

Thank you to everyone who reached out about my “Activities Outside the Office” post. I think we all need a reminder from time to time. Did any of you watch Jennifer’s recent video? It is called “5 Reasons to Take the High Road and Remain Unbothered”. 



OMG… I loved this video. Especially number one, “be too big to care”. That pierced my heart. It is so true. People always and I mean always want to pull you into the dirt with them and sometimes it can be hard to ignore them. 

I have my moments where I want to match their pettiness but I quickly pull back and say, “No, we are rising above this”. “Don’t sink”. 


photo credit: Marchionesshg


This has been a life journey for me. I did not grow up in a home where manners and character were taught. I did not see good relationships or friendships so immaturity was matched with immaturity. As I got older and left my home and begin being around other people. I learned lots of things. I learned that class was something worth being sought after. 

I loved the definition of the word that she discussed in her video called magnanimous. Did you all read it? Being forgiving toward a rival or less powerful person. Wow… “less powerful person”. That phrase is everything and I am beginning to put my enemies in that category. Less powerful person…..

What are your thoughts? Do you think that you can be too big to care? Let me know in the comments below and have a great weekend!






2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    I did enjoy Jennifer’s video. I still struggle with this. I’m from the school of thought that “I’m a street, so look both ways before you cross me.” It could be just fine or danger. I don’t want to be that way. I grew up in utter grief, despair, subtance addictions, abuse and trauma. The amount of self work is exhausting to me. I feel it’s worth it. I may have lived longer than I will live so I’m determined that the rest of my days are filled with goodness. I can not change my past. I try not to even dwell on it much anymore. It’s so toxic and it makes me hurt. Then I watched the video and I’m too big to be bothered. It’s not a haughty elevation but an elevation of character.

    People want to get your goat. I had an experience at the hospital recently. As I battle major health issues and an upcoming surgery, the staff in the registration office spoke to me about my medical coverage and when I was going to pay the bill. Ms Shockley not only were the loud and obnoxious but they had the wrong information. They refused to register me for my treatment until I paid a bill, that wasn’t a bill. Now my initial reaction was to knock some heads together and clown them so badly they would have never given me an ounce of trouble ever again. I stopped myself. First I thought that I’m a child of the Most High, so I need not behave in a manner that doesn’t reflect HIS goodness. Ephesians 4:24😉🙏🏾Then I thought about going viral and being labeled as the hospital Karen. Then I thought about getting arrested for assault. I spoke with a soft tone and let her know what the deal was. She yelled at me to go sit down. I ended up being 30 minutes late to my appointment. After their condescending manager came over to “address the issues” I was finally allowed to go to my appointment. I burst into tears when I saw my nurses. I had just had enough and they could tell. They swarmed around me and ushered me to my treatment room. The head nurse came in after I regained composure and took a full account and it was promptly escalated to hospital administration. I had so many allies that day. What if I would have “clapped back”? I wouldn’t have had the outcome I did get. It was a moment that I may never forget because, it was out of the ordinary and so inappropriate. Especially for someone who is sick and at the hospital for treatment.

    They kept pushing at me and Mrs Shockley I refused to give in. I didn’t give them what they wanted. They knew they were wrong and I would have been within my full right to go off. I think of Proverbs 25:22 heap burning coals on their heads😉 So being too big to care made me recount this incident. Although I was deeply grieved and vexed, I was the bigger person. I think it’s very hard to go against your natural inclination but I feel it’s necessary in my journey onto the best version of me💕🌺🌸

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh my Ms. Tracey! Thank you so much for sharing! I can’t believe they treated you that way, but we are in a horrible society now! I don’t understand the anger that everyone has. Everyone is so angry and what at?
      Good for you for not sinking with them! Trust me I have had my moments where I just wanted to explode! It’s so hard, but the Bible tells us that “men’s hearts will grow cold”. I believe we are seeing it.
      It frightens me a little. Knowing that at any moment someone could just lash out and cause harm to you or your family. I pray constantly for safety. I am so glad that the Lord was there to fight your battle!

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