Eloquence Is…



Good Morning,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! We had a great time on Saturday celebrating Father’s Day at Daniel’s Vineyard. The weather was perfect I tell you perfect! It seems as though all of the humidity disappeared! I wish it would stay gone but that is not a reality for us here in Indiana. It gets hot! I will be sure to share our experience at the vineyard later. 

In early June I read this devotional before getting ready for the day and I had to share it….


photo credit: Whit & Whimsy/ Pinterest


The fact is most of the world’s makeovers don’t work very well. People keep trying to look better, do better, act better, dress better, smile better, all to gain self-respect and influence. 

But eloquence is a spiritual quality that comes from the inner person.


photo credit: Pinterest 


The grace and graciousness we need comes by faith, by walking with the Lord, by casting our cares on Him, and by living in the light of His love. He warms our smiles, lights up our eyes, softens our features, and brings joy to our personalities. 

I hope this uplifts you today. With all of the horrible news lately, I have been wanting a “refresh” from the word of God. Maybe I just need to be reminded that the Lord is still here. I hope you all of a wonderful Monday!







2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    I’ve never heard eloquence described in such a manner. How beautiful. It is just what you need to read and hear that abs be reminded of constantly. Thank you so much for sharing Mrs Shockley. 💕🌺😊

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