Hanging Plates ~



Good Morning,

The weather has been soo good! I just wish the humidity would stay away. I am looking forward to the weekend. I will be attending an outdoor antique fair on Saturday. This will be my first time going and I am hoping to find a blue and white chair or a floral arm chair for my downtown office. Wish me luck! 

Speaking of new things, I remember some years ago I watched a video from Martha Stewart about hanging plates and ever since I saw that video I knew that I wanted to try it some day. I could never find any plate wall hangers and I couldn’t really afford to buy a bunch of plates and honestly had no inspiration. But now with Pinterest, bloggers, and Instagram the inspiration is just over flowing. I went antiquing a few weeks ago and found this platter below…..


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I paid about $35 for it. It’s quite large and the colors were perfect for my home decor. I loved the blue, white, and gold. It has beautiful details and the size… I could not pass it up. 



I searched Amazon and found this super plate hanger for large platters. There are so many options but I wanted something that I knew would fit my platter and this was a perfect fit! It comes in a pack of two and the price was outstanding as well. 



I decided to hang it in our bedroom next to our mirror. Now I don’t have a platter on the other side and it might look unbalanced but I love the platter here. For some reason it just looks so good to me here. I may move it down the road but for now I am loving it in this spot. 

Please let me know in the comments section below if you have plates hanging on your wall in your home. Oh and I wanted to let everyone know that the boutique will have a new arrival soon! Have a great weekend! 




3 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Several years ago I saw a blog post by Driven by Design on how to hang plates on the wall and I thought it was such a fabulous idea. I wanted to try it out in my home. Unfortunately I had to move so I was able to do the large gallery style plate wall I desired. I may do it with 1 or 2 plates. I think it’s lovely. I do like your platter. Such a pretty pattern.
    I certainly hope you enjoy your outdoor antique fair. It sounds like it would be fun. This is will my last busy weekend for a while. I’ll be having surgery on Monday so I’m headed to the very large international farmers market, to see what goodies I can find. I’m excited about that. Hopefully the muggy humid weather can stay away for a while so you can enjoy the antique fair. We are roasting in GA. Triple digits and triple H’s. Hazy, hot and humid🥵 I’ve been drinking my cucumber, mint, lemon water lately to help with get my water in😉 I can’t get in my minds eye what an outdoor antique fair looks like. If you can take photos. Enjoy your weekend Mrs Shockley. 💕🌺😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I think one or two plates is a really good start. That’s where I was going to begin and see how I end up.
      I hope your surgery goes well. Your visit to the International Farmers Market sounds fun and educational. I bet you will learn all kinds of things there!
      Funny you mention fruit water. I was just about to pull out my pitcher and start my fruit water for the summer!

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  1. […] They have the prettiest things! I ended up purchasing two table cloths, a pair of vintage earrings, and my blue and white platter that I just […]

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