My Small Backyard Oasis



Good Morning,

I am back from Chicago and I had a great time! I met a lot of wonderful and beautiful people. Everyone was so nice and I am so glad that I took the time to go and network. I am not sure where it will lead but we will see. Sometimes taking small steps can lead to bigger ones. I will be sure to share my adventure soon! 

A few weeks ago I shared on my Instagram account a photo of me setting up for our Memorial Day grill with our kids. It turned out to be a great day and everyone enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised at how pretty my little oasis turned out to be. I have been wanting an outdoor area to eat meals and read. But with two dogs, now one, it has been hard to take an interest in my backyard. It is used primarily by our dog and it has been really hard trying to figure out what we can do since it’s his bathroom basically. 

I am hoping that in the near future we can create a concrete area for me to be able to set up furniture and have some big blue and white planters. But for now this little area worked out just fine. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I wasn’t sure how my umbrella would look with my table. I ordered it last year from Amazon and I am so glad that I did. I also ordered an umbrella anchor so that I can take it with me when we have beach adventures! 



The table cloth I found at the Goodwill ages ago! I only paid a few dollars for it. I did have to cut a slint in the middle in order to use it for my table. I really don’t mind. I have not used this cloth for anything and I am glad that I finally can. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


The beautiful peonies are from of course JP Parker, and the blue and white ginger jar/vase was a Mother’s Day gift from my step-son and his girlfriend. Well done right?



The first day that I set it up it was early in the morning and I would not wait to get out there and have my breakfast and plan my week! It was so nice. 



It was a nice change of scenery, and the weather was perfect. I sat out there for hours. My husband could not help himself. He came out and joined me as well. 




I had to pull out some dishes and play around with it for a while. I decided on using my Aerin Lauder plates from Williams Sonoma. They are currently sold out but I did find these on sale that are similar. They were a perfect match with my green goblet glasses from my mother in law. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I also set up a little sitting area. This bench rocks back and forth and was quite cozy after I added the cloth and outdoor pillows. I could not resist putting my blue and white planter back here as well. We grabbed a few more chairs and everyone was able to find a place to sit and talk. It turned out well. I hope this post inspires you to use whatever you have. This outdoor furniture that we have is old and needs to be repainted but with a few lovely linens and pillows it gave the furniture a fresh look. Have a great Wednesday!


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4 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Glad you made it back home safely. Mrs Shockley the set up looks lovely. Very elegant and charming. You bought the indoors out and it’s fantastic. Beautiful vase your son and his girlfriend bought you. They knew your taste well. 🌺💙😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      They do! It’s a lovely vase. I can’t wait for the weather to cool off a bit. It’s so hot right now. I really want to go back to having breakfast outside again.

  2. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    Your backyard oasis is simply beautiful. I can see why you spent hours back there. It also looks like a great space to have a nice lunch or afternoon tea with a girlfriend. Lastly, the blue dress you’re wearing is lovely.


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Mya!
      It does! I thought about having friends over for tea but first I need to get some. I am on the hunt!

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