My First Outdoor Antique Fair


Good Morning All,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. We just kept things simple as I previously discussed and hung out at home. I did go antiquing and picked up some great finds! I will be sure to share those later. Speaking of shopping for antiques I had to share the most recent and wonderful purchase I just made. Katherine from Pender & Peony just published her first e-book all about shopping and learning about antiques. You can download it to your phone and take it with you on the go! It’s called The Grandmillennial’s Pocket Guide to Chic Antiques. 

I ordered it, downloaded it, printed it, and used it this weekend while I was out! I love this and would highly recommend it! I pulled it up on my phone and just went down the list when I would find something. It was wonderful! 

Another thing that was wonderful was my recent trip to an outdoor antique fair! I found out about this from the new antique store that I visited called Vintage Whimsy. Apparently, they host this event every year on a large private property in Franklin, Indiana. I really enjoyed it and found a few things and met a new friend. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


There were tons of antique vendors at this event. I did not take a lot of photos because I really wanted to enjoy it. Having a phone out to take photos and film can be a little annoying sometimes. But I always try to have balance with my social media and life!

Each antique vendor had their own style and brought different antiques. 



This was a huge property. They had food trucks as well as antiques. They also had a sitting area for you to sit, eat, and listen to live music! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


You can see the antique vendor booths in the distance. The property also had a large flower garden to tour. My husband and I were able to ask the property owners where they purchased certain plants and what they were.



Lastly there was this beautiful magnolia tree. My husband and I just loved it. It’s called the Jane Magnolia tree. We went to our local garden center to see if we could purchase one and then my husband realized that this tree takes years to grow. They were so small at the store. I told him that it would take a lot of patience! 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I did find some beautiful things. I purchased this delicate porcelain magnolia flower and this English Ironstoneware pitcher. I spotted the pitcher early on in my visit and just kept circling around it until I finally caved! I told the vendor store owner that I could not leave without it. It’s a wonderful addition to my home decor.

I really enjoyed this new little adventure and plan on attending next year! I can’t wait to see their new items then. Have a great Wednesday!



This post was not sponsored. 


2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    This looks like it was a fantastic event. My goodness what a dream. Thank you for this book resource too. I’d love for my town to hold something like this😊💕

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I had such a good time and look forward to going next year! Finding events around my city has been my thing this year!

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