Things to Master in my 40s



Good Morning Everyone!

I have returned from Rhode Island, and I must say that I am really sad. I LOVED it so much!! If you follow me on Instagram, then you have already seen my photos. My goodness… the Victorian homes were everywhere, and everyone had blue hydrangeas.

I don’t know how or why they have blue hydrangeas, but they were everywhere and I mean everywhere! I wonder if the climate has something to do with it. Our hydrangeas here are white and pink only. It is rare to see blue hydrangeas here.

I can’t wait to share my photos and the mansion tours here on my blog. I also filmed a little while I was there. I will be putting together a video for Youtube. I hope to post it at the end of the month. It will take me that long to edit it.

In today’s post I wanted to share a list that I heard on a podcast recently. I listen to the John Maxwell Leadership podcasts every morning during my morning walks and a few weeks ago he gave a list of 10 things that one should do before 40. I wanted to share it….


photo credit: Pinterest


  1. Know Yourself! Know your strengths and weaknesses. Know what you do well and what you don’t do well. Hopefully by this time you are working in your strength zone and not your weaknesses. 
  2. Settle your family life. Know what the issues are in your family and know how to deal with those issues. Marriage is constant work. It’s sad when couples are still fighting over the same issues. (HELLO!) 
  3. Determine your priorities; know what you want to give your time to and what you need to give your life to. Add certain things to your life and subtract certain things from your life. Get centered. 
  4.  Develop your philosophy for life. I hope by 40 that you have a vision and attitude for your life. Settle who you are and what you believe in. Settle things that you would die for and things that are optional in your life. 
  5. Get physically fit. Exercise and get healthy. Early in life people give up their health for wealth and later they give up their wealth for health. 
  6. Learn your trade whatever it may be. Learn, earn, and return. Always learning and always earning but make sure that you return. Give back to people. 
  7. Pay the price. Pay it on the front end. There is no success without sacrifice. If you have succeeded without sacrifice, it’s because someone on the front end paid first. If you sacrifice without success then someone after you will reap the benefits. 
  8. Develop solid relationships. Life’s greatest experiences involve people. 
  9. Prepare for the future. Options are the most precious commodity. 
  10. Find purpose for your life. Knowing my purpose in life, maximize my potential, and sowing seeds in life. Growing, going, and sowing. 


I hope you all enjoyed this list. I think for the most part we all are aware of these tips. Keep these as reminders and set goals for yourself. I will be 40 in about 2 months, and I can’t believe it! I do have a few things that I want to “settle” in my life, and I hope that the Lord will allow me to do so this year. I do have a fun day planned today. I took the day off to give myself an extra day at home. I wanted a little more time to get things done. Today I am going to be meeting a potential new upholster! I will let you all know how things go. I found a tufted stool that I want to change the fabric on. I also found out about a new antique store. I plan on visiting it today! I will share how things went on Wednesday. 



I found this for $35 at the antique store! I see blue and white fabric. What do you think? 

6 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley

    What a lovely vacation you’ve had. I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures. As for the hydrangeas, it all depends on the soil. Acidic soil will give you blue hydrangeas, and alkaline soil the pink ones. If you’re interested in making yours blue, you must buy soil acidifier for hydrangeas. I’m here to tell you,it works. Good luck with the upholstery! I can see blue and white on the ottoman. Where would you use it in your home?

    Take care,


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      My husband and I want to try the soil acidifier. We will probably try it next year. So we will see. As far as the ottoman, I am not sure where I will put it. I won’t have it for a few months. My new upholster is backed up!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Sounds like you had a dream vacation. You need that from time to time. As for this list, these are wonderful highlights. Some never learn these things about themselves and life. I’m a late bloomer and I learned many if these facts in the last few years to be honest. I used to be deeply disappointed that I was thoroughly ignorant about life in so many ways. I’m always learning and reinventing myself to be my best version no matter my age. My 40s my pass me by and I don’t achieve goals/milestones until 50 and beyond. It’s great if you can learn this earlier rather than later so you can lead a more enriched, well-rounded and fufilled life. I think once you know better you’ll do better.💕🌷😊

  3. mrs.sshockley
    mrs.sshockley says:

    I couldn’t agree more. When you know better you do choose better. I am just taking it one step at a time. There is so much to learn and so much going on around us. I am trying to find the balance in both.

  4. Donya
    Donya says:

    Good morning Mrs. Shockley,

    Welcome back after a wonderful vacation, and thank you for sharing the pictures with us. Those Island looked lovely, and I hope to take my family soon! How smart you are to take an extra day at home before returning to work. I find an extra day to settle yourself before jumping back into the chaos is always a good idea. What an elegant way to end your your time away. The list of things to do in your 40s is always a good reminder of what matters most, and is helpful for us all no matter the age. Have an elegant week!
    With gratitude,

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Donya!
      Thank you for stopping by! I always take an extra day before returning to work. It gives me time to rest or get a few more house things done. I love this list from John and will be printing it out. Thanks for reading, talk soon!

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