Touring the Magnificent Breakers!



Good Morning,

Sorry for the no-post on Wednesday. It takes a while to keep my photos uploaded so that I can put them on the blog. It took me two days to type this entry, and get it ready to post! I have been thinking about knocking it down to only two posts a week for the blog. I will wait and see how things go. Sometimes posting three times a week can been a bit much. Especially if you are not feeling inspired. 

I did want to say hello and thank you to all of my new subscribers! I think most of you have seen my new pop-up! I love it. I know it can be a bit irritating if you are reading the blog from the phone, but you should be able to exit out of it. The “x” is in the corner to the right if you can’t find it. But HELLO to all of the new subscribers! I was sending out an email every week but then I decided to change it to a newsletter sent out every month. I will try to keep the content on the newsletter different from the blog. We will see how things go. I did want to tell all of my new subscribers that a newsletter went out this past Sunday. I viewed my report, and it looks like most of you got it. Please check your SPAM folder. It might be there and make sure that you change it to go to your inbox! 

One more thing that I want to share before getting into the Breakers, I have been stewing about the boutique. I thought about adding something new. Well something vintage. I antique a LOT and sometimes I find wonderful and beautiful vintage clip earrings. I thought about adding my finds to the boutique. What do you all think? Let me know in the comments section below.

Okay now on to the Breakers!


photo credit: Mr. Shockley 

We have been home for about two weeks since this trip and I still find it hard to believe that we actually went. My husband said, “it was so hard to take a bad picture there”. Everything was so beautiful”. That comment came from my husband. Who loved the trip!

Just look at this… gosh!


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 

If you ever decide to go and tour the mansions, the best thing for you to do is to download the app and take your earplugs with you. Trust me you will want to hear the history of each room as you are walking in. 



The details will take your breath away. This room has gold in it… 



All I did was stare… 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 



These homes are literally works of art.





Look at the ceilings… 



This was the music room. Could you imagine practicing piano in this room? Oh my goodness… 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


The other side of the music room… 



The ceiling in one of the sitting rooms…



The fireplace and mantle in the sitting room.


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


After touring the downstairs, we headed upstairs to see the bedrooms and bathrooms! This belonged to Mrs. Vanderbilt. This is where she dressed and did her “office work”. 



I did notice this in her room. A vintage Louis Vuitton trunk! I would love to own one of these someday. 



The bathrooms were more impressive than what I thought. This vanity in her bathroom looks better than mine!



This belonged to Mr. Vanderbilt. Can you believe how nice that tub is? It is completely marbled and was filled with salt water. That’s what they bathed in. 



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


This room belonged to one of the daughters. It had great wallpaper!



The kitchen was enormous! I loved the island and all of the cookware!



There was a huge china room. I did not take many pictures because I was too busy looking around. It was incredible!


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


Everywhere you looked there was art. It was stunning. All I kept thinking was “they lived this way and didn’t think anything about it”. 



The stunning blue hydrangeas were everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Everyone had them in their yards. All I did was gripe about ours back home. Now I know how to turn mine blue. I’ve got some work ahead of me next year!



So lush…



I hope that you enjoyed this tour. I loved every minute of it. I did record a few videos of the rooms and will be putting a video together here soon for YouTube. Please don’t forget to check your folders for the newsletter and check out the boutique. There are a few more items on sale. I am dress shopping for the fall for new inventory. We’ll see what I can get. Have a great weekend!










2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    My favorite home. Was this a live tour with a guide or self guided? Wete you able to see the children’s playhouse in the backyard? It’s a real compact home. Absolutely adorable. Basically what we’d call a tiny home today. I think I was 8 the very first time I went there and was so impressed. I have visit many times since and it’s still awe-inspiring. I’m so happy you all went. It’s a lot to soak in and each time you go visit, you’ll notice something you missed before. 💕🌷😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Tracey,
      It was a self-guided tour with an app. It was really good! We did see the children’s playhouse in the back! It was just as big as a house! It was incredible!

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