Oh My… Marble House Mansion



Good Morning!

I can’t believe that we are in the first week of August! It’s flying by! This weekend Lauren and I are headed to the fabric store to get a few things for her. Then it’s Bath and Body Works next to buy a few soaps for the home. I really don’t have much planned and it all depends on how the weather is here. We have some rain coming which always keeps me in doors. Oh my new fabric did arrive yesterday, and I will be taking it to the upholster on Saturday! 

As I continue to download my photos from our trip, I continue to mourn a little. I really do miss Rhode Island. I still can’t believe how pretty it was. Now on to mansion tour number 3!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


I can’t believe that I took this photo! It was like a dream when I was standing there! I could not believe how beautiful this home and this garden was. These hydrangeas were everywhere! This mansion was called the Marble House mansion. 





Here was the entryway. Grand as usual…


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

The ceilings are just works of art. Look how stunning….



One of the bedrooms. I still can’t believe how big the rooms are. 



This was the library. It was inspired by a cathedral church. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I heard one of the volunteers say that “the lady of the house would not let people spend the night”. She always felt like you could go and stay in a hotel”. Now I don’t know if that was true, but I thought it was an interesting story. 





Just looking at the details. It was breathtaking. I can’t believe all of the details that are in these homes! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Now this was Lauren’s favorite! She loved this Japanese tea rom. I didn’t go inside but I was told that you can have tea there. I didn’t take any photos behind the house, but it sits on a water view. It’s beautiful to look out. I was told that this house has a lot of weddings hosted here and I can see why. 

I hope you all enjoyed this tour. I still have one more house to share and I will do that next week. I hope you have all had the chance to watch my Youtube video showing all of the mansions and the gardens. It was truly a dream. Have a great weekend!




2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    The Tea Room 😍 what beautiful memories you’ve created Mrs Shockley. If the lady of the house really said that, she and I shared the same sentiment at one time. Over the years I’ve learned to develop a hospitable spirit that doesn’t come naturally to me. All thanks to Jesus for showing the way. Certainly a lovely estate😊🌷💕

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I know the Tea Room is beautiful. I am torn about letting guests spend the night. I guess for me it all depends on who the guest is. I want only lovely people staying with us. Not nightmares!

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