A Little NYC…



Good Morning,

I can’t believe that it is Wednesday already…. I am still trying to get back into my routines. It’s going pretty well. I did a lot of housework the last two days. I got a few more things uploaded to my Poshmark closet. I went thru my closet on Sunday and got rid of a few things.  I also dropped off my tufted stool at my new upholster! He is so nice. I am hoping that this will be the start of a beautiful friendship! Lauren starts school next Wednesday! I can’t believe it. It will be her senior year. My husband and I can’t wait to stop scheduling our lives and vacations around her school schedule. We are looking forward to the freedom! 

Speaking of vacations, I thought I would share the first part of our vacation. We left here Saturday morning and ended up staying with our good friends in New Jersey until Monday morning. They have a beautiful house. I was especially loving their floral garden and snapped a few photos. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Lovely aren’t they?



So peaceful and tranquil. 

After getting up, sitting in the sunroom to read, and eating some breakfast, we headed into New York City. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I am so torn about New York. I love that it has some many things to see and do and that is another issue that I have with it. There is SO MUCH! I try to pay attention to everything and it’s hard. I did notice this beautiful building. This caught my eye very quickly. 


photo credit: E. Shockley 


We walked around so much that day. My stepson joined us on this trip. He is taking architecture in college and loves capturing all of the buildings. I think he uses them for his future projects.



We went to an area called Chelsea and we looked around. We also took a walk on the High Line. Our friend Marc took us there. It’s about a mile and a half and is a nice treat in New York. It had plants, flowers, and you get to see some wonderful buildings. 

I also spotted this beautiful hotel called the Highline Hotel. I could not pass up taking photos in front. They also had an elegant cafe located in the front. 


photo credit: Mr. Shockley


Now how fabulous is that? I LOVE this photo! I wore my Sarah Flint Natalies the entire time! Super comfy and super chic. Don’t forget to use my $50 off discount code: SARAHFLINT-BASMSSHOCKLEY on your first purchase!

Above all, it was a wonderful visit to New York. Another place we visited was the original Ralph Lauren store. I can’t wait to share it soon! Enjoy your day! 











Things to Master in my 40s



Good Morning Everyone!

I have returned from Rhode Island, and I must say that I am really sad. I LOVED it so much!! If you follow me on Instagram, then you have already seen my photos. My goodness… the Victorian homes were everywhere, and everyone had blue hydrangeas.

I don’t know how or why they have blue hydrangeas, but they were everywhere and I mean everywhere! I wonder if the climate has something to do with it. Our hydrangeas here are white and pink only. It is rare to see blue hydrangeas here.

I can’t wait to share my photos and the mansion tours here on my blog. I also filmed a little while I was there. I will be putting together a video for Youtube. I hope to post it at the end of the month. It will take me that long to edit it.

In today’s post I wanted to share a list that I heard on a podcast recently. I listen to the John Maxwell Leadership podcasts every morning during my morning walks and a few weeks ago he gave a list of 10 things that one should do before 40. I wanted to share it….


photo credit: Pinterest


  1. Know Yourself! Know your strengths and weaknesses. Know what you do well and what you don’t do well. Hopefully by this time you are working in your strength zone and not your weaknesses. 
  2. Settle your family life. Know what the issues are in your family and know how to deal with those issues. Marriage is constant work. It’s sad when couples are still fighting over the same issues. (HELLO!) 
  3. Determine your priorities; know what you want to give your time to and what you need to give your life to. Add certain things to your life and subtract certain things from your life. Get centered. 
  4.  Develop your philosophy for life. I hope by 40 that you have a vision and attitude for your life. Settle who you are and what you believe in. Settle things that you would die for and things that are optional in your life. 
  5. Get physically fit. Exercise and get healthy. Early in life people give up their health for wealth and later they give up their wealth for health. 
  6. Learn your trade whatever it may be. Learn, earn, and return. Always learning and always earning but make sure that you return. Give back to people. 
  7. Pay the price. Pay it on the front end. There is no success without sacrifice. If you have succeeded without sacrifice, it’s because someone on the front end paid first. If you sacrifice without success then someone after you will reap the benefits. 
  8. Develop solid relationships. Life’s greatest experiences involve people. 
  9. Prepare for the future. Options are the most precious commodity. 
  10. Find purpose for your life. Knowing my purpose in life, maximize my potential, and sowing seeds in life. Growing, going, and sowing. 


I hope you all enjoyed this list. I think for the most part we all are aware of these tips. Keep these as reminders and set goals for yourself. I will be 40 in about 2 months, and I can’t believe it! I do have a few things that I want to “settle” in my life, and I hope that the Lord will allow me to do so this year. I do have a fun day planned today. I took the day off to give myself an extra day at home. I wanted a little more time to get things done. Today I am going to be meeting a potential new upholster! I will let you all know how things go. I found a tufted stool that I want to change the fabric on. I also found out about a new antique store. I plan on visiting it today! I will share how things went on Wednesday. 



I found this for $35 at the antique store! I see blue and white fabric. What do you think? 

To the Breakers We Go!


Good Morning,

I’ve got a busy day today! It’s my last day in office before I head out on vacation. My family and I are headed to Newport, Rhode Island this year! We are going to see The Breakers! I am so excited! So the Breakers are the “vacation homes” of the Vanderbilt family. Every time I say that I just shake my head! Vacation homes! It’s incredible! 

My family and I have visited the Biltmore a few times so when I recently learned about the Breakers I knew that I had to visit. One of my co-workers shared her trip with me a couple of years ago and it has been on my radar ever since. 


photo credit: The Preservation Society 


There are about five houses to tour in addition to the gardens. I am hoping to do a self-guided tour with audio headphones. I want to listen to the history while I walk around. I also read that there is a cafe located at one of the properties. I thought that would be a nice place to grab lunch in between tours. 



photo credit: Trip Advisor

The second item on our list is the Cliff Walk. When I saw this I thought, “we have to do this!” Oh this walk looks wonderful. It’s near the ocean, you are walking pass the Breaker mansions, it’s 3.5 miles, and it’s free. What more could you want!

Third on the list is a beach day. I have been wanting a beach day for a while and I am hoping to visit Easton’s Beach. Now this beach looks like it would be more of my speed and you can see beautiful homes off in the distance. 


photo credit: Pinterest


St. Mary’s Catholic Church is there as well. The interesting fun fact about this church is that this is where the Kennedy’s were married! I would love to take a look inside!

I also managed to find a car museum. I love vintage cars and thought about adding this to the list as well. It made my husband happy when I mentioned it. 

And of course, I found an outlet mall and lots of antique stores around. I am hoping to at least visit one antique store. I am really excited about this trip and hope that everyone enjoys it. I will be sure to share everything once I return. Have a great weekend!



My First Outdoor Antique Fair


Good Morning All,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. We just kept things simple as I previously discussed and hung out at home. I did go antiquing and picked up some great finds! I will be sure to share those later. Speaking of shopping for antiques I had to share the most recent and wonderful purchase I just made. Katherine from Pender & Peony just published her first e-book all about shopping and learning about antiques. You can download it to your phone and take it with you on the go! It’s called The Grandmillennial’s Pocket Guide to Chic Antiques. 

I ordered it, downloaded it, printed it, and used it this weekend while I was out! I love this and would highly recommend it! I pulled it up on my phone and just went down the list when I would find something. It was wonderful! 

Another thing that was wonderful was my recent trip to an outdoor antique fair! I found out about this from the new antique store that I visited called Vintage Whimsy. Apparently, they host this event every year on a large private property in Franklin, Indiana. I really enjoyed it and found a few things and met a new friend. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


There were tons of antique vendors at this event. I did not take a lot of photos because I really wanted to enjoy it. Having a phone out to take photos and film can be a little annoying sometimes. But I always try to have balance with my social media and life!

Each antique vendor had their own style and brought different antiques. 



This was a huge property. They had food trucks as well as antiques. They also had a sitting area for you to sit, eat, and listen to live music! 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


You can see the antique vendor booths in the distance. The property also had a large flower garden to tour. My husband and I were able to ask the property owners where they purchased certain plants and what they were.



Lastly there was this beautiful magnolia tree. My husband and I just loved it. It’s called the Jane Magnolia tree. We went to our local garden center to see if we could purchase one and then my husband realized that this tree takes years to grow. They were so small at the store. I told him that it would take a lot of patience! 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I did find some beautiful things. I purchased this delicate porcelain magnolia flower and this English Ironstoneware pitcher. I spotted the pitcher early on in my visit and just kept circling around it until I finally caved! I told the vendor store owner that I could not leave without it. It’s a wonderful addition to my home decor.

I really enjoyed this new little adventure and plan on attending next year! I can’t wait to see their new items then. Have a great Wednesday!



This post was not sponsored. 


Ginger Jar Haven- Victoria Magazine


Good Morning All and Happy 4th of July!

Today we are taking it easy and just grilling at home and enjoying the firework shows in our neighborhood. We have quite a few neighbors who set off fireworks during this time of year. We stop going to firework shows at parks. For one it’s always crowded, two there are never any bathrooms around, and three it’s just so hot out! We also realized that the shows don’t start until around 9:30 and we normally have to work in the morning. So now we just hang out at home and try to get into bed at a good time. 

Tomorrow I am meeting someone for lunch. She is on the board for the Indiana Paralegal Association. I have been trying to do more networking this year. I am considering joining this group so we will see how the meeting goes. 

In today’s post I just wanted to share something fun. You guys know that I love Victoria Magazine and in the recent magazine a beautiful home tour was shared. I hope you all enjoy the photos below!


photo credit: Stephanie W. Steele


I loved how Kelli Kot from KD Hamptons decorated her home. Also can we talk about the dress that she is wearing? Gorgeous! Kelli’s home is a Victorian style abode that has bay windows and is truly picturesque. 


photo credit: Stephane W. Steele


Kelli has a vast collection of blue and white porcelains. They are weaved throughout the home. Kelli describes her interior design as, “updated traditional with a touch of Scandinavian influence. 


photo credit: Stephanie W. Steele

What a dream! I only hope that my hydrangeas become that gorgeous and hearty! Kelli mentioned that she had lived in New York for years and after she married her husband Mark, she became enthralled in gardening.  She and her husband have different views and taste on gardening but both of them give each other the space they need to create their own special gardens. I believe that it is so important to be able to make your home into the vision that you have in your dreams. Having a spouse that does not see eye to eye can make that hard. I am very fortunate that my husband doesn’t mind my taste in decor. He makes a remark sometimes, but he usually gives me my freedom. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post and pick up a copy. This blog post is not sponsored but I think you would really enjoy the other photos if you just took a look inside. Have a wonderful 4th!








Dinner at the Vineyard


Good Morning,

I am still finding peony bouquets! I can’t believe it! It is almost July, and we are still finding them. I found some at Whole Foods and then my husband found some yesterday at Costco! I am loving this! Speaking of Whole Foods, I am still taking my once-a-week trips there. I love their Sonoma Chicken salad! It is so good! I eat it with crackers for a wonderful cool lunch. 

I have been on this “new adventures” journey for a few weeks now. For Father’s Day I wanted to try something else new. I had heard of this vineyard called Daniel’s Vineyard and knew that I wanted to give it a try so we went there to celebrate Father’s Day!


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley


It was a beautiful Father’s Day. The weather was perfect! 



This was our first time at a vineyard. It’s amazing what you find in your city if you are open to beauty. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


I wanted to keep things simple, so we ordered pizza, a charcuterie board and drinks. The pizzas we ordered were margherita and pepperoni.  They were brick oven pizza and were really good. The charcuterie board had smoked meats, fruits and nuts. My kind of board. I did not take pictures of the food. I wanted to enjoy the moment. 



We ate inside because we did not want to worry about bugs but afterwards, we came out to look at the vineyard. 



They were quite beautiful, and some sections were really lush. I did try a glass of wine. I had my favorite which is a white wine Moscato. 



Overall, we had a great dinner, and my husband really enjoyed his time. We just wanted to take it easy and to try something different. If you live in the area, I recommend giving it a try. It’s a great environment and family friendly! Have a great long weekend!




I quickly wanted to give Elaine from Urban Style Chic a big thank you for sharing the Daphne Flutter Dress! Doesn’t she look wonderful? You can use her discount code urbanstylechic10 for 10% off of anything in the boutique! Enjoy! 






Bedmaking with Bunny Williams


Good Morning,

This past Monday my supervisor took me and the other ladies in management out to lunch to a new restaurant. I love going to new places around my city. This restaurant was called The Hulman. It was a very sophisticated restaurant. I ordered the veggie omelette. Oh my goodness, it was so good. I am still thinking about it.   

Now let’s stop thinking about food and move on… 

Okay I might be the only person on the planet who is not making their bed this way. I recently saw a video from the Schumacher Youtube channel from Bunny Williams on how to make the perfect “Bunny” bed. 



I watched this video over and over trying to learn some of the techniques. Now I have to say I have seen pillows stacked like this on beds in almost every interior design book that I have but I never really paid much attention to them until this video. 

I am one of those people that Bunny mentioned that lined their pillows down the bed. I never saw anything wrong with it and honestly there is still nothing wrong with it but what I did notice is that this trick from Bunny does save more space on the bed. 



I decided to give it a try. So, I stacked our pillows to see how it would work. This is my husband’s side of the bed. He has these funny pillows that he lodges in all sorts of places for his body. 



This is my side of the bed of course. You see the flowers and decor books. I only have a few pillows compared to him. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


Now here is the front. I will say that I love this look more. It does give the bed a more uniform look in the front and looks a little “crisper”. Let me know in the comments section below how you make your bed. Do you make it the “Bunny” way, my old way or a different way. I am curious. Have a great Wednesday! 


Oh I almost forgot the boutique’s new arrival is available. It is called the Vera Blush Maxi. It’s a beautiful pink color of course. I love my pink dresses. They simply look good on everyone!