Trying to Stay in Beauty



Good Morning Everyone,

Sighing…. It has been a long weekend. Nothing really bad just dealing with people. Today I get to take my car to the collision center finally! Driving around my car with dirt on it and with all the damage from the accident has not been fun! But I keep reminding myself that I am still blessed despite the issues going on. 

I was recently inspired by something….


photo via Pinterest


I saw this photo on Pinterest and it inspired me to pull out an antique that I purchased some time ago and use it. Do you see the silver container with the Q-tips in it?


photo via Mrs. Shockley 


I realized that I had something similar to that and decided to pull it out and use it! Now how great is that? I love it! But something also triggered me looking at it. This past weekend my family and I were eating dinner a Chic fil A and my husband noticed a table with two women sitting there. For some reason they were staring at us and had their noses turned up. My husband became irritated but then realized that we can just ignore it. I could not. I then became infuriated and wanted to confront both women at the table. 

I slowly began to talk to myself in my mind and began to rehearse and remember certain scriptures that encouraged me. We then got up from our table and began to walk toward them because we were leaving the restaurant. Once I passed them one with the attitude gave me what I call a “fake smirk”. I then cut my eyes at her and continue to walk. When I turned around, I saw her eyes follow my daughter. I mean she turned her head all the way around! I felt myself turning into the Incredible Hulk! 

I talked myself into leaving and getting into my car but I am going to be honest I wanted to go right back in the restaurant go right up to her face and ask her what her problem was! I have just about had it with women and their attitudes, and it is getting worse! I went to sleep still angry about the situation and woke up the next day feeling horrible. Then I walked by my new antique Q-tip holder. I saw how beautiful it was next to my sink and at the moment I realized who I was. 

I was a woman who created a life built on beauty and elegance and I was letting a stupid moment like that get the best of me and I didn’t like that. I felt defeated for a moment but then I was reminded that I did not act on it. She didn’t win. I did. Because I was the leader, and she was following me. Not the other way around. I remembered Jennifer L. Scott’s quote, ‘be too big too care”. I need to make that my word of the year. People are just nasty in so many ways. I know that the Lord is helping me to find balance in beauty and firmness. I want to be firm when needed and remain in beauty at all times. What are your thoughts? Any recent issues for any of you? Let me know in the comments section below and put out those beautiful antiques to use. Enjoy them!



4 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Well my goodness Mrs Shockley. It’s literally the invasion of “THE KARENS” That Chikfila incident would have sent me in orbit. I’m convinced that’s what they wanted was an altercation of sorts. You had a very human response to a distasteful and rude experience. You handled it beautifully. You remembered that you are above such things. Not in a haughty manner but in one that dignified you as a woman of God and class. I think femininity drives many women and some men insane.
    I think it makes them feel inferior and they become highly jealous to the point of hatred and rage, without ever knowing you. Some people are just miserable and they scoff at a happy family. Then there are the ones who still can’t stomach interracial relationships. All of them need to learn better, do better or take a hike! Get out of her with that foolishness. I hope the collision shop does well on the vehicle. Chin up darling, you’re well ❤💕

  2. mrs.sshockley
    mrs.sshockley says:

    Thank you, Ms. Tracey! People are just crazy! It took me a moment to calm down, but I am glad that I did. She was not worth it. Thank you so much for the kind words and perspective! I needed to hear it!

  3. Jane
    Jane says:

    I was moved by your post Mrs Shockley. It takes elegance of being and inner strength to retain balance when ugly situations appear out of nowhere and threaten our serenity. I love how you have “remained classy and carried on” and taken solace in the beauty around you and within you and importantly from the wisdom of scripture. Thank you for your sharing your beautiful and inspiring blog. Shine On!

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Thank you so much Jane for your compliment! I needed to hear that! It has been so hard dealing with people and their crazy attitudes.
      And repeating scripture helps me a lot! It reminds me of the goals in front of me and who I serve! Thank you again!

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