New Beauty Product- Dove Lavendar Bar



Good Morning Everyone,

These last few days have been really rough for my family and I. We had to put down our second dog on Monday. He was diagnosed with cancer in October and just became very sick and did not eat hardly any this past weekend. It has been really hard but the good thing was he was older so we were a tad bit more ready for him. We are not getting any more dogs for a while. It is just too hard to say goodbye.

So I plan on doing some things that make me happy this weekend. I plan on visiting a consignment store called Simply Chic. We have three locations and I need to decide which one I will visit. We have Monday off for President’s Day and I have house duty that day for the Guild but after that I want to go and visit Surroundings again. I just love that store!

In today’s post I wanted to share a new beauty product find for me. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


I was in Walgreens looking for other products and spotted this. I use a Dove pink bar every day and have for years. I have seen different scents but I don’t think that I have ever seen a lavender bar scent. I had to buy it to give it a try. 



Now I will start off with the color. Isn’t it just so pleasing to the eye? It looks wonderful in my bath bar dish. The scent is wonderful, and I have using it all week and I will say it smells “very clean”. It’s not a strong heavy perfume scent. It is very light and smells really clean. 

If you love bath bars I would say give Dove a try. This is not sponsored but I genuinely love their products and have for years! I am really curious about the pomegranate and hibiscus tea scent as well. 

Speaking of scents my husband got me a very fragrant and beautiful rose bouquet this year for Valentine’s Day. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day. Have a great weekend!


6 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    I haven’t seen that particular Dove bar. Such a beautiful color. I bough a couple dozen bars of Dove Shea Butter Vanilla. I’m glad I did because I can not find it anymore. I take a couple of bars out of the box and put them in my lingerie drawer. It smells so good.

    My condolences over the lost of your dog. That’s never easy. I’m so sorry dear. 💕

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I have the shea butter scent on my radar to try next. Thank you for your condolences. We miss our boys!

  2. Alicia
    Alicia says:

    My condolences on the loss of your dog. 😔

    I’m very curious about this Lavender Dove Bar. It sounds lovely. I will have to check it out. 💐

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hello Alicia!
      I love it! Check your local drugstores. They may have it. Thank you for your condolences. We miss them both so much!

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