Always Elegant Living- 5 Hobbies that You Need




Good Morning Everyone,

My busy month of May is halfway complete. I still have lots on my calendar! I will be leaving this upcoming Monday. I am headed to Columbia, South Carolina for a work trip next week. I will be networking and getting training with other paralegal supervisors. I am really looking forward to that. Then Lauren will be graduating! I can’t believe it! It will truly be a celebration for her!

I have been meaning to share my recent favorite podcasts with you all. So I started to search for podcasts that I would enjoy and I put in certain search words in my Spotify app. I put in the word “elegant” and “women’s health”. I ended up finding “Women in the Middle: Loving Life After 50″ and “The Always Elegant Living” Podcast with Ashley Brown. Now I listen to both of these completely free and have been enjoying them on my morning walks. 

Last week during one of my walks, Ashley Brown from the Always Elegant Living Podcast mentioned a meme that she saw regarding “the 5 Hobbies that you need and I just had to share it!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The first hobby is to have something that makes you money:

I thought about this and asked myself, “do I have a hobby that makes me money”? I do! Well the blog makes a small amount each month, my commission on the LTK app, and the boutique. Now all of these hobbies are not making me a fortune, but they help keep A Home for Elegance running. The money is used to pay for my website fees, orders for the boutique, taxes, business fees, and supplies. I don’t take a salary from any of these but it keeps my small business running! 


The second hobby is something to keep you in shape:

My hobby is of course my morning walks. I started walking in the mornings in 2021. I don’t know why but I thought I would give it a try. My workout before then was some workout videos on Youtube but I just got tired of them and being in the house. I wanted a new setting but I refused to go to the gym. I hate the gym! It’s just a meat market and if I do go I want a trainer so that I can stay focused on my workout. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

Royal Kingdom Scarf 90 (Sarah Flint)



The third hobby is something that helps you stay creative:

I have so many activities that help me to stay creative. This blog for one was the number one thing. I started this in 2014 as a way to share beautiful things that I love and to document it. I always come to my website and search for things that I have written about to remind me of my ideas. I love my blog! I love antiquing and this helps me to create a beautiful environment at home. I love having a beautiful home and antiquing is a way for me to create it. Instagram is another platform for me to be creative. It’s hard work trying to make sure that your content is different from everyone else but it keeps me inspired. 


The fourth hobby is something to build your knowledge:

I read and listen to lots of things. I read my bible and lots of other books. I listen to podcasts every day! Building your knowledge is something that we should take seriously. I have always wanted to be someone who could talk to anyone or listen. I read a lot of self-help books, leadership books, magazines, and home decor. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley

Teatime Discipleship 


And the last hobby that you should have needs to be something that grows your mindset:

For this hobby I would agree with Ashley that listening to podcasts has been helping me to grow my mindset and networking. I remember going on one of my morning walks and I spoke out loud, “I want to network”. Once I said that the gates were opened to me. I joined the Guild, got accepting on the DOJ EARS Evaluation Team, have been asked to attend lunches, joined the state’s Paralegal Association, and lots of other things have happened. In regard to podcasts, I have been listening to Women in the Middle, Maxwell Leadership, The Career Contessa, The Wall Street Journal, Suze Orman’s Women & Money, and a few others. 

All of these resources have been growing my mindset and educating me on so many things. One of the podcasts from the Women in the Middle talked about farting! Yes farting and honestly I learned so much about health and laugh while listening to that podcast. It was great! 

I hope these tips will help you to look at your life and encourage you to add some of these hobbies to it. Life can be beautiful if we live it with purpose. Enjoy! 



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2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Oh my stars! I’ll be listening to these podcast ASAP. What a fabulous topic. I’ve never thought about hobbies in this manner but I see the wisdom in it. I have to think now what can I do in each category. My brain is firing💗🌷😉

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Yay! So happy to hear that this post provided some inspiration for you. I love learning how my readers/or followers have found some value in my posts. Thank you!

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