My Word of the Year…


Good Morning Everyone,

It is the first full week of 2024 and I have my word of the year. Well, I have my phrase of the year and it is “radiate calm”. My post from 2018 popped in my head a few days ago. That quote, “radiate calm” really spoke to me. I have had several moments in 2023 where I felt like becoming unhinged. I let things really get to me instead of maintaining a quiet spirit. Maybe that should be my phrase for the year.

I went back to my post. I still can’t believe that I read the book and wrote this post 6 years ago. The book provided four ways to radiate calm under any circumstance. 1) Stay composed, 2) Avoid drama, 3) Find common ground and 4) Maintain perspective. 

I can recall several moments where I should have used those tips! I have decided to take these four tips and for every week for this entire year I will write one of those tips for the week in my Day Designer to remind me what to focus on.

Another tip or thing that I do is pray and try to breathe deeply. I want to keep my mind and emotions in order. Last year was so full of changes that I felt like I did not have perspective. As I get older that has become very important to me.


photo credit: L. Shockley 


As I begin 2024, I am trying to remain hopeful that staying composed, praying, and keeping perspective will help me to radiate calm this year. 

Enjoy your week!



7 replies
  1. Donya
    Donya says:

    Great morning Mrs. Shockley,

    Happy New Year! I love your phrase for the year. Radiating calm is especially important because as women we set the tone in our homes. Let us remember our mood and energy effects those around us. My words for the year are overflow and effortless. Have a blessed week!


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Happy New Year! Thank you so much for reading my post. We are setting the tone for our homes. Thank you for your words of wisdom. I love your words as well. Especially effortless!

  2. Bernice
    Bernice says:

    Happy New Year to you. Radiate calm, what a great phrase for the year. My word this year is listen. I need to do that more. Whether it’s what someone else is saying, or listening to the birds outside or even finding some quiet time without background noise. I will look out for the book you mentioned, I would be keen to read it.

    Thank you for your blog.

    All the best.

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh what a great word Bernice! I love it and I love the fact that you are applying it to every aspect of life. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  3. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    My word for 2024 is adaptable Mrs Shockley. Things happen so quickly these days and I’m a creature of habit and routine. When the slightest thing happens, I find myself irked to the high heavens. So I’m working on being adaptable. I can’t have it my way always😉💕

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh I love that word! I am with you. When things don’t go the way, I see fit oh my! Learning to be adaptable has been a test for me for many years now.

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  1. […] my video I talked about my word of the year and how I was letting myself become frustrated with things and how I was beginning to pull back and […]

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