Tips for a Balanced Life


Well Good Morning Friends,

Thank you to everyone who reached out about my perimenopause blog post from last week. I feel like everyone is on this journey. We are all seeking information and looking for ways to naturally deal with the changes in our bodies. The good thing is this is getting more attention, and we are not just left at the mercy of our hormones. 

I was listening to this podcast (it was so good) and the author has a book called The Art of Chilling out for Women. I must admit I was quite curious, so it has been added to my Amazon book list. 

I am always getting emails about items or things and last month I received a newsletter about secrets to a balanced life from V.J. , the owner of Notiq


photo credit: L. Shockley 


In her newsletter she said, “There is a never-ending argument about the concept of work-life balance. Some say there is no such thing as work-life balance. Others say there can only be work-life integration. What are your thoughts on this? How do you define work-life balance in your own life?

As a writer and researcher, I do my best to avoid arguments. I share my research findings and personal observations, empowering you (my audience) to discern what is best and meaningful to you in your own life.

In my many years of research, here is what I have found:

  1. Balance isn’t doing everything.
  2. Balance isn’t knowing everything.
  3. Balance isn’t pleasing everyone.

YES! I could not agree with this beginning more! I certainly did not know this or didn’t believe it. 

She goes on to share her thoughts on “Life Seasons” which I found intriguing.

“This past weekend, I had the honor of speaking at a retreat designed to inspire women to recharge. During my sessions, I shared the three seasons of life many of us go through. These particular life seasons are based on the number of years we’ve had to experience life on earth. I call them Life Seasons. I want to share those three seasons with you today.

Seek Season (ages 1 – 24)

  • The season of searching and discovering
  • The season of learning and awareness
  • The season of “I want to see.”

Success Season (ages 25 – 49)

  • The season of being and becoming
  • The season of doing
  • The season of “I want to matter.”

Significance Season (ages 50 until….)

  • The season of reflection
  • The season of reaping and harvesting
  • The season of “I want to have something to show”

Identifying the season of life you are in can be valuable for several reasons. First, it can help you make better decisions and set appropriate goals based on where you are at in life. For example, if you are in a season of growth and learning, you may prioritize acquiring new skills or education. If you are in a season of doing so, you may focus on adopting systems and tools to help you maximize your time management and resources”. 

Understanding your current season can also help you appreciate and make the most of the present moment rather than constantly striving for something else or comparing yourself with others. It can also provide a sense of perspective and help you navigate life transitions more effectively. We go through many seasons in life.



Now how inspiring was this? I love the breakdown of the seasons. I seriously believe that I am in season 1 (Seek Season) because I didn’t get to experience it. I married so young and I am now in a season of searching, discovering, learning, and awareness. Now that I am aware that I am in the seek season I will try my best now to rush it but enjoy it. 

How about you? What season do you believe that you are in? Share your thoughts below. Also I wanted to let you all know that the Vintage Vanity Collection is on sale! Each piece is about $10! Order quickly. 



6 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs.Shockley,

    I just got around to reading your post on peri-menopause. I am also on this journey. I’d never heard of it until recently. Certainly I am experiencing it and have just begun my journey of research. Ahhh..this newsletter is eye opening. I am in between Seek Season and Success Season. I am 41, however I feel behind in some areas of my life. I’m accepting of that and gently working my way through it.As for my career and family I feel as though I have exceeded my expectations, however there are other areas that I am discovering and bringing awareness, such as the type of people I really want to surround myself with, mainly family members to be honest. Great post Mrs. Shockley!

    Take care,


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh my goodness Mya. You too? Glad to hear that I am not the only one who is just now hearing about perimenopause.
      I am so glad that you like the newsletter. I believe most of us could feel behind in some areas. I agree with you about who you surround yourself with. Having people around who are of great character, strong faith, well-traveled, patient and adores beautiful things are on my list! Thank you for reading!

  2. Donya
    Donya says:

    Mrs. Shockley,
    Perimenopause is certainly an interesting journey. Talking with my primary care physician, who also practices functional medicine, was paramount. Together we were able to develop a plan that addresses all of the issues you mentioned. As a result, the last couple of years have been amazing for me. Knowledge is power! Thank you for shedding light onto this subject for so many.

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Thank you so much for sharing Donya. I would love to meet with a functional care doctor. I am adding that to my list. I would love to know what practices who put in place to assist with your hormones.

  3. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Very thought provoking post. You know I’m in Season 1 but my age is Season 2. I was a late bloomer and had a pretty rough upbringing. I didn’t fit into my own family so I struggled to find my footing in this world. I was constantly told nasty, ugly things about myself and how I wanted to live. I sheltered myself and just got older. I never lived. I did what I was told and was a good obedient lap dog to my own detriment. I’m finally growing and even finding my own voice. I feel more stable now. I’m late to the game, that’s ok. I say NO now and it feels good. I say YES to what I want. I’ve gone to 2 concerts this year. Post Modern Jukebox in May and this past Sunday Janet Jackson! FYI: Janet is 58 and when I tell you that woman threw down, honey, she did. What a phenomenal show! The rapper Nelly was her opening act. I don’t listen to his music anymore and I had forgot his songs. That was back in the early 2000s, I was in college. Mrs Shockley it’s been decades since I’ve gone to a concert. Just a few years ago I never would have gone. I always allowed others to make my decisions. So much has passed me by because others wanted me in this box that they thought I should be in and I allowed it out of fear of being thoughtful of as unhelpful and mean. I’m moving toward Season 2. Life is a journey and a process. I’m grateful to be on it and soaking in what I love. That’s why I love your blog so much. This is the kind of thing no one things I need to be interested in and yet I am. It’s enriching me. Thank you for sharing😘💕🌷

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh my friend! I am with you. In season 1 but age is in season 2 and that is OKAY. I did the same things you did. Lived for other people, did what they wanted, and stayed quiet. The moment I turned 40 something clicked and I just said, “no more”. My life will not be spent this way. If I have to do things alone then I will do them alone.
      So happy to hear that you went to a concert good for you! I love Janet! She’s beautiful and honestly I think she is still finding her way as well.
      So glad that you enjoy the blog. I love hearing that. It keeps me going for sure!

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