A Girl’s Day ~ Antiques and Flowers



Hello Friends, it’s September!

As I stated in my August newsletter, I love this month. It’s a sign of cooling down, a closet refresh, sweaters and lovely silk scarfs. I just love it! Lauren came home this past weekend and it was so nice to have her home. It was a first drive down from campus by herself! As you can imagine my mom-bear was so nervous but when I saw her pull up in the driveway I was able to take a deep breath, look up at the sky and say thank you! These beginning years of adulting are a new chapter for us all.

I shared a few weeks ago that I had a girls day with some of my friends from the Guild. We planned a day of lunch, antique shopping and visiting my friend’s cabin. It turned out to be a great day and a wonderful time to chat, catch up and explore.

We started off with a meetup. Everyone ended up at my home and everyone wanted to see my greenhouse! We then walked around to look at my David Austin roses and then loaded up in the cars to head to Starbucks.

It was an hour drive so we just talked about everything under the sun. Our health, family, goals, and dreams. It’s always good to chat with friends and to get a fresh perspective on life. Sometimes all you need is someone else’s point of view to guide you back to where you need to be. Our first stop was lunch at a restaurant called the Hard Truth which is also a distillery company. 



The views were magnificent. We had a wonderful lunch while seeing nature. 



Next we did some vintage jewelry shopping at Touch of Silver, Gold and Old. They had a vintage cameo that I wanted so bad but of course the one that I selected was $2,000! I did not purchase it but we had a wonderful time looking around and meeting the owner. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


We then walked to a lovely coffee shop called Olde Bartley House. I LOVED the decor! The vintage table, and chairs, chandeliers, and floors were so aesthetically pleasing. It had lots of beautiful artwork and was filled with history from the town.



And this door!?? Loved it!



Once we left the coffee shop we then went to my friend’s cabin and spent a few hours there. We sat in her sky chairs and just laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. She also had an outside tea room which was lovely. I didn’t take any photos of my friend’s cabin because some things just need to remain private. Once we left there we went and visited one of the properties that she is working on. It had an outside tree house which was one of the most beautiful tree houses that I have ever seen. I didn’t take pictures of it because I wanted to be in the moment. 

After that we then stopped by the sunflower garden. I posted a video of it on my Youtube channel. It was such a magical place. 



I had such a great time with my friends and on the inside I teared up a bit. For about 12 years I have been praying for good godly friendships. I have been saying almost daily, “the Lord will bless me with friends, that will pray for me and I will pray for them”. I have been wanting friendships for a long time. I believe that having friends as a woman is another form of self-care. Friendships are so meaningful in life and I never really understood that until recently. If you have some girlfriends, nurture those relationships. Work on keeping them in your life. They are so important. 

Have a wonderful weekend!



1 reply
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Your post made me think of Proverbs 18:24 where it says in part ” there is a friend who sticks closer than brother”. It’s important to have good quality friends. It need not be a whole entourage of people but just a few. It’s so important. I’m grateful and happy for you that you’ve found some real connections. It’s truly wonderful. I’m glad you enjoyed your time with the girls. I may have to get that sky chair. It reminds me of a hammock. That door frame was stunning🤩🍂🍁😊


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